World record badge
- Run must be submitted* for at least 3 days.
- There needs to be at least 3 non-obsoleted runs in a category you have WR on.
- Only full-game* runs with "Restricted" variable (subcategory) are eligible for a WR title.
- Mobile is allowed.
- If you get a WR title you keep it forever.
- On the moment you submit the WR title form, you must have the world record for the category.
- To get the World Record role in Discord, you need to link your Discord profile to
To submit a request for a World Record title, you need to fill this form: submitted - time starts from moment you submit the run, doesn't matter when it was verified. full-game - Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Pre-Classic, Classic, Modern categories.
This is copied from the discord server if you are wondering.
Apeirophobia: Escape From Reality Update
As everyone might already know, after a long time, Escape From Reality update was released on the 22nd of September!
With it, major changes are coming to leaderboards:
- Level 17 - Left Scarred
- Level 18 - Mall
- Level 19 - Store
- Level 20 - Neighborhood
- Level 21 - Graveyar
Recent runs
Level: Level 12 - Creative Minds
Level: Level 6 - !!!!!!!!!!
Level: Level 18 - Mall
Level: Level 23 - Hospital
Level: Level 17 - Left Scarred