Is this different from arcade original?
6 years ago
Texas, USA

I was wondering if this is the same game only on NES, Because I know the original arcade version has other ports such as PS1's Namco Museum Volume 5 and the Namco Museum Volume for Nintendo Switch that was recently released. I was just asking if I need to create a new page or not.

Arizona, USA

They are the same but different sequel. Not sure about the switch version if they ported NES in there. Since the arcade version and TG16 are in the same port. I can't say "no" but I may add those if I speak with the other mods about this to create a tab that is arcade/TG16 version in. I'm pretty sure that version has no gold dragon mode.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Texas, USA

Ok. That's fine.


Sorry for missing this topic, but I wasn't active for this game. Arcade and TG16 are different versions and require their own leaderboards. Generally, when it comes to old games till SNES area, they usually require separate leaderboard for every platform, since every version is unique and specific to console.

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