Michael Chan's Cheating
10 months ago

I'll get straight to the point: Michael Chan cheated his full game world records and I have proof.

Proof One: He Has a History of Cheating

Michael Chan has been known for cheating runs for a while now. The first fun he cheated was his 4:07.95 in this video is this frame which pretty much sums up how this run was cheated:

In this frame you can see that the full game timer is at 18.03 while the in-game timer it at 19.0, meaning he sped up his run. (I know it's not that the timer is fast because it is three seconds ahead of youtube's time the whole time because he started at three seconds) One argument I've heard for this is that the in game timer is fast, but if you look at any other run the timers match up much better.

Proof Two: The Real Evidence

In order to understand why I'm concerned you will have to learn about how the level transitions in Appel work. There are two types of transitions Appel can play between levels. One happens after you enter the level form the level select and one happens when you enter from the previous level by pressing "Continue."


Level Select:

Notice how the "Level 4" text fades out in the one that comes from the level select but doesn't on the other one? Well guess what happens in Michael's 3:59 and his 3:50? Yep, they fade out meaning they were spliced. Have a look for yourself:


United States

I see. This is pretty sad. The evidence does seem conclusive.


Edited by the author 10 months ago
Luis_sm likes this

Hi everyone!

Michael Chan didn't cheat.

And I've also got two proofs :))

PROOF 1: Appel has a glitch.

1 year ago Michael made a livestream where he tried speedrunning lolthedol505sus's project, which is a remix of Appel. People saw him playing the game LIVE and the exact same text-thingy happened.

Go at 55.36 and watch carefully his run. Between level 2 and level 3 the text faded out as in his WR run. That means that this phenomenon is common and might happen, especially after several trials, when the game is "confused" and defective. If what you said was correct, then that would mean that he also cheated a non-optimized FG run of a random Appel remix and that he found a way to do that in live.

PROOF 2: My Appel is not the same as your Appel.

Honestly I don't like to involve other people, but let's take Centyme as an example.

Look at Centy's Appel gameplays and runs. Noticed anything strange with the timer? Centyme's timer is always quite malfunctioning; however they are not considered to be a cheater (and they're not, obviously!).

Centyme plays Appel using a different device from mine, and so does Michael.

Around the world Appel might not appear the same: I live in Switzerland and "my Appel" appears differently from Michael's, who lives in Hong Kong, or from Centy's or from yours, because everybody uses a different device, a different internet connection or a different browser.

Therefore, Michael might find this glitch more often than you do.

Sir_Farcelot and Luis_sm like this

I understand your point. So we will continue investigating and if we find that Michael didn't cheat then we will put the run back up.

TheGreatYoKai likes this

does anyone have a vpn so we could see if this happens based on your country? Also does anyone know what michael uses for playing appel?

and Luis_sm like this
Hong Kong

Thanks to all supporters, here's what I'm going to say.

  1. I'm not going to bother re-stating the past history.

I'm tired of explaining anything in the past, let's just focus on this run and this run only.

  1. Why does this happen?

I do not have the slightest idea - since I don't code. After seeing through the discussion, I'm pretty darn sure these reasons are why this is going on.

-> Hand position while playing.

This is, whatever, if this helps everyone on the long run.

Right hand on the keys, left hand spamming on the 'click' when almost reaching the flag. This is what causes the instantaneous loading.

-> Interpolation

I've stated many and many times that this is using interpolation. If you are literate and are willing to read the fking turbowarp discription that I stated more than enough times on interpolation, wou may see some graphical glitches on complex projects such as scrolling platformers. (Proof: https://docs.turbowarp.org/interpolation)

This is what I guess what happens - the transition TIMING is the exact same, but just it looks different. It may or may not fade away quicker, but appel would've delayed the movement until the original one catches up.

-> Appel packaging methods

Just like what TheGreatYo-Kai says - not all Appels run the same.

Don't think scratch is insane, or is we are insane. Try to make a game, where you detect the 'touching black color?' as the support for colliding with entities. Run this game on your phone - yep, the character would work perfectly on the computer, but not on your phone. Why? I don't know, maybe a different color scheme. Same goes for Griffpatch's Appel, in fact, if you take a look at his Appel videos, you can quite literally see that it's a different color for the tiles.

And yes, I do already acknowledged Centyme's legitimacy (well because he quite literally has no reason to cheat his own levels with actual deaths inside), and the reason is because he uses an iPad. The position methods of Griffpatch is merely incompatible with an iPad's resolutions, and such does not allow it to position it correctly and time goes on - which also means it has 'degrading'. Simply put, it could look perfect at the start, but the more you play, the more weirder it gets (and well, we can tell that Centyme has spent a lot of time.

Now, back to my case - What I believe causes such 'observable' differences is the Appel packaging method. Why do you think I'm doing this? Rather simple.

Original Appel on Turbowarp runs with wifi, causes latency, or lag, simply put. By separating it from onlineness, I can quite play it freely, without any connections, but only relying on my computer - which is perfectly enough to run a highly complex Scratch project. What I believe, is that packaging causes this, may or may not - I can't say anything about it because I don't know how packaging works, but these are all I know.

  1. Further Proof (Thanks TheGreatYoKai!!!)

His proof of my livestream is exactly what I needed to clarify myself - It quite literally happened with it, on a livestream, unintentionally. Mhm, how could I video edit that then.

And if you're extreme, crazily thinking that I'm just lying on my entire career by uploading a video to a livestream format - welp, no, wrong there, I do what the chat practically tells me to do.

At the end of the day, Scratch is not made to run such complexity. Complexity in literature, known as developing autonomous morality, should be tolerated at this case, whether we decode one's intentions or not. If it's clear I'm only trying to instil values and develop global skills and strategies together, making my only competitor myself - Do you think I'm an evil cheater, or just innocent, your choice. I do not want a defective game to be the foundation of the breakability of such chains.

Edited by the author 10 months ago
DoubleSpratt, Swskrei and 3 others like this
Hong Kong

One more thing - You can't just say that I'm cheating, and then reject my runs. See what the people think, you are never capable to seeing if someone's correct (you, as in like anyone who reads upon this as well.)

I thought you said you used an auto clicker?

i use linux so i can't

lol ik im a nerd

United States

Earlier the mods said they didn't want to reveal the proof because cheaters could benefit from knowing what they did wrong. All somebody has to do is change part of the code, and loading a replay shows the same load time as 'continue'. I'm not sure how to catch somebody doing that... (Mods, this doesn't reveal anything that wasn't already said. If you think somebody might cheat with this comment, I'll delete it :)

sushisrx, Luis_sm and 2 others like this
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