No Skips Category
1 year ago

Do you guys want to add a no-skips category? Some levels, like 8 and 5 have skips, but what if we removed them?

Sir_Farcelot likes this
United States

I feel like level 5 and 8 would be much more interesting without skips, considering that so much of the levels aren't played in any%. Maybe this could even be added to level 6, since a good portion of the level is skipped there as well.

Swskrei likes this

I think this would be a fun category, but we do need to specify weather intended skip (eg. level 2 & 9) are included. I, personally think those shouldn't be allowed in a no-skip category, but who knows?

United States

pixel perfects are also contraversial. would a no skips category have a list of rules defining what is or isn't allowed?

Sir_Farcelot likes this

I think we should do the level as intended


Without secret paths


No skips, maybe no sidejump and spike-edge and secret path like in level 1

That would kinda fun though


Could also be like "No major Skips" so like no spike edge and secret paths, but I think sidejumps are allowed if they're not used like in level 5 any%

United States

I agree with no spike edges, but sidejumping should be not allowed as well. For example, the level 2 spike edge can be easily skipped with one sidejump.


Is this a good no skips run? It has a sidejump but it isn't used to skip like half the level.


United States

I think somebody should make a remix where you can't do any of the cheeses. For example, you can still side jump, but with 2 spikes on the wall of level 5 its impossible.

Luis_sm and Sir_Farcelot like this

WAIT, we could name the category all checkpoints so that even if you do skips, you'll have to get all the checkpoints anyways.

Luis_sm, Sir_Farcelot and 2 others like this

good idea

Luis_sm likes this

Do ittttttt

Luis_sm likes this

Vote yes or no for all checkpoints category below this post

Luis_sm, kanuburgetz and 2 others like this
United States

yes as well

Luis_sm and Sir_Farcelot like this


Luis_sm likes this

Ok making it a category

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