FPS limit
8 years ago
Centre, France

I wanted to try to speedrun the game, but i did everything that was on Arctic's tutorial but my frames didn't go higher than 60 fps. I wanted to know if there's a fps limiter on the game or if i'm just not able to run the game ?

Ontario, Canada

check if Vsync is on, that may be your problem. the max FPS for Doom is 200.

twelfthdoc likes this
United States

Make sure you're using Vulcan, all lowest settings, etc. Doom is capped at 200 on pc, 60 on consoles. The tool made by instagibz also massively boosts your framerate, but if you can't get past 69 at all it probably won't be enough.

Centre, France

It was the vsync that i forgot to turn off, thanks guys !


I'm having a similar problem, even with 1% screen size from instagibz's tool and everything on lowest, I can't get to 200 fps for the railjump in lvl 1. I have to kill all the baddies before being able to reach 200, normally it's just about 130-150 fps. My GPU is a HD7990, and CPU is FX8350. I'm running the game on a HDD. Anybody knows what is the bottleneck when monsters are near?

Czech Republic

CPU is usually the bottleneck in low resolution/details.

LasTYNS likes this

I'll try to test it then..

Hamburg, Germany

com_showconsumerperfmetrics 5 to find out more about what is exactly bottlenecking.

LasTYNS likes this

Yup, that confirms it, it's the CPU. For the record, what processors do you guys have?

Hamburg, Germany

i7 3930k @ 5ghz

LasTYNS likes this
Centre, France

I don't remember exactly what i got, it's a high-quality i5

LasTYNS likes this
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Merging of Any% sub-categories.

Hey everyone,

For anyone who is not in the MDSR Discord:

We have decided to merge the sub-category 'difficulties' for Any%: Classic/Nightmare/Ultra-Nightmare. This is mainly due to recent developments in the Any% run and Ultra-Nightmare now technically being the fastest difficulty to run Any%

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