Player2092 years ago

Если отбросить совершенно капитанские советы вроде "делать такое-то действие быстрее" (их до идеала можно довести только в TAS), остается лишь один: можно ли влететь сразу в первую ворону, или же нужно ждать вторую? Ведь раз никто ещё так не делал, значит это может быть невозможно.

Player2092 years ago

Also this run is pretty good, the only problem is to determine minimum requiriments of "late game".

wątek: Factorio
Player2092 years ago

And also, Rocket Rush Any% needs entirely new tactics, as you said. Actually we must made at least 3 Rocket Rush categories, In Category Extensions, "New Game+": "Any%", "Default Settings" and "Death World".

Player2092 years ago

Other category is "Refinery + Assembler" category: build get those 2 machines working as fast as possible.

Player2092 years ago

How about making category where you spawn in point A and must reach point B as fast as possible. It can be done on many maps and include flying from one spot of planet to other (from equator to north/south pole), from planet/moon to other planet/moon and other variations.


Player2092 years ago

Фактически да - выходит что-то среднее между неоптимизированным спидраном и очень поспешным обычным прохождением.

С другой стороны, можно гордиться самим фактом установки мирового рекорда с первой же попытки без предварительной подготовки (то есть впервые сел проходит игру - и с первого же прохождения поставил WR).

Player2092 years ago

В принципе, возможность оптимизировать что-то есть, хотя таких моментов мало. Я вижу такие:

  • В 14 уровне можно пройти быстрее, если влететь в первую же ворону;
  • Уровни 7 и 11 можно пройти быстрее, если быстрее решать паззлы с холодильником и электрощитком соответственно;
  • Ну и в целом если быстрее делать действия (то есть минимизировать время, когда персонажи бездействуют), можно пройти уровни быстрее.
sWinTuZ to się podoba
Player2092 years ago

Помимо этого можно сделать Category extensions, где будут аркадные бои (при запуске из меню), текстовые квесты, и всякие различные категории.

Player2092 years ago

Как насчет добавить категорию прохождения на 500% - ведь именно она является максимально возможной сложностью в игре, а не 200%.

Player2092 years ago

You can write new category ideas there. Вы можете написать здесь новые идеи для категорий.

К примеру, как можно быстрее найти какой-то предмет (экзоскелет, ФТ-200м, пулемет, редкий артефакт). Можете предлагать ещё идеи.

wątek: Paragraph 78
Player2092 years ago

I think it is nothing to say about this game. The game storyline is nearly not existent (unless you saw old film what is rated from just typical to very bad, nearly no one know it), game dont have any special tricks or tactics to use (even most weapons in game do same damage - except the minigun), it is very crude-made and works worser then old rusty ZAZ-965.

Variants of "Easy" "Medium" and "Hard" categories is not needed: the only diffrence between them is amount of HP player character have.

Sorry for bad english.

Player2092 years ago

Making "Any% - Set Seed" may be good.

Player2092 years ago

А если сделать категорию прохождения на 500%. Если так уж брать, то именно эта сложность, а не 200%, является максимальной.

wątek: Factorio
Player2092 years ago

i think it allowed in "New Game+" variations. Write in descriptions what this thing was used; it not breaks rules as writen.

wątek: Factorio
Player2092 years ago

At least you can count this as "Unofficial New Game+ Mass Multiplayer WR". From other sides, it is actually the fastest full game run on release version to day, 59 seconds faster then the fastest official run. So instead of WR you get "fable"/"anecdote".

Still good job!

If we compare it with old runs, we get only 2 what is faster: https://www.speedrun.com/factorio/run/y4wokrdm and https://www.speedrun.com/factorio/run/zx2weq5m. Second one it is the only sub hour full game run today.

If you want to do it faster - i recommend making "Any% rocket rust multiplayer", this category must be the fastest (if not counting not-full game runs like "Steelaxe%").

wątek: Factorio
Player2092 years ago

I think what this run is normal run ruined by 1 use of command. Also "/admin" command didn't gave him speed boost, he didnt ban or kick someone, excetra. If this run will be pictured from side of another player who didn't use console - it will probably be OK.

Maybe you find wersion from another player perspective who didn't use commands - so maybe they will let it pass?

wątek: Factorio
Player2093 years ago
  1. "Easy" and "hard" wave defence is nearly same as "normal" difficulty. Possible but boring.
  2. "Rocket rush" is basically normal gamemode, but with all technologies researched and with much bigger starting kit. It will be faster then normal run with same settings ("Rocket rush Any%", "rocket rush default settings" will be enough for first time - then may add some more variations). Seem good for speedrunning.
  3. Tutorial levels also good for speedrunning. Especially last two of them. Also tutorial levels is very short in comparison with normal runs.
  4. "Tight spot" and "Transport belt madness" seems good at first but don't have any random, so they end up with "copy solution from blueprint/your memory ASAP".
  5. "PvP" and "Team production" is definetly not made for speedrunning.
  6. Non-standart settings of normal gamemodes have not so many diffrences with the "Any%", "Default settings", "Death world" and other already existing categories. Also it is possible to imagine so many combinations what they will just implode amount of gamemodes. Make these only when all other, mode intresting gamemodes will be made to categories.
  7. Singleplayer, multiplayer, and mass multiplayer categories for each gamemode is imploding the amount of categories. So it is better to place them into one big pile. 8 ) Also i think about "True Any%" or "Blueprint%" (difference is: "Importing blueprints IS allowed"). It can be made on normal gamemode, "Rocket rush" and "Wave defence".
wątek: Factorio
Player2093 years ago

These is categories/game modes what can be speedrunned but currently not listed on board because of no one actually run these game modes:

  1. Tutorial (all or levels separatly)
  2. Tight spot; Transport belt madness
  3. Supply challenge
  4. Rocket rush
  5. PvP; Team production
  6. Default non-standart settings (Rich resourses, Marathon, Death world, Death world marathon, Rail world, Ribbon world, Island)
  7. Some kind of special non-standart settings (like world with hardest possible settings with small amount of resourses and many biters, maybe some other ideas).

Optionally they can be divided to normal, multiplayer and massive multiplayer categories - or just can go all these in one board to not divide it in too many categories.

Player2093 years ago

Maybe WC may be faster is you try make as more allies as possible, and, with infinite weapons glitch, start mass lend-leasing everything to them to make them puppets, and integrate them. Alsoyou may capture enemies faster with allies, or maybe even can use them to capture Africa and South America and other regions parralel to normal WW2 front.

Also, by sending them tanks and other heavy equepment, you can puppet them faster and they can capture enemy countries faster, but you may have more trouble fighting them as they will use tanks if you will atack them.

IDK, is infinite weapons glitch really some kind of exploit? And also, our categories dont restrict use of glitches, but many speedrunners dont know how to use them, in "Any%" categories. Maybe you know some other glitches?

Player2093 years ago

I think the "100%" category can be added.

Rules: "Gamemode doesn't matter. The timer starts when a player appears. The timer stops when player's company captures 100% of the market (hires all drivers on map)." If opponents hired some of drivers, you can push opponent's driver's truck into water to sink it - then said driver will be fired and becomes neutral.

Another category is "Game over%" - "Gamemode doesn't matter. The timer starts when a player appears. The timer stops when the company gets bankrupt.".

O Player209
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