Beating Kasha in Hopeless Chase Category?
I fought and beat Kasha in Chapter 17: Hopeless Chase. Will there be a speedrun category for beating Kasha instead of just running away?
Edited by the author
i guess a separate level can be created for this, would be a cool category to play. but i can't make one because i left from moderating this game due to lower interest and real life stuff. i would like to also check your video:)
StainingDuke likes this
better do it here, under the original level. you can name it "Hopeless Chase (Beating Kasha)"
StainingDuke likes this
The Test Category
After a long conversation, we decided to add a segmented category, but as a test category, which can be removed in the future
Recent runs
Level: The Home of Darkness
Level: Kasha
Level: Yukikage
Level: Shouryou
Level: "Sen"