Hi, I'm GFink, the owner of The Really Easy Obby. The current state of the game is rather poor, as you may tell by playing. Its scripts are old and mostly free modeled and the place is a relic in time, the clear work of when I was not as experienced a game developer. You may also know me as the brains behind a new game I helped my friend make, known as The Classic Adventure Obby, and in it, notice the aesthetic and gameplay quality is much higher. Although The Really Easy Obby is still a fun game to play and I still enjoy stopping by to see how players are doing, I am coming here to announce that my game is currently undergoing some major renovations. Every script is being rewritten. Most stages are being deleted, and many more are being added. A new, polished GUI is in the works. The shop system will be completely revamped and the prices changed. You will be able to keep all of your existing game passes.
This update will take effect either at the end of the month or early next month. I have not decided whether the newly updated game will be open-source.
Thanks for letting us know about this update.
Here are the only things you will recognize in gameplay... https://imgur.com/fOd5BWh
And even then you probably notice some changes.
We are working on the last stage (30) and will be making a winners area soon. Once the obby itself is done, we will finish up the shop and all the other back-end work. There is still quite a bit of this "back-end" work to be done so it might take a week before we fully finish up.
After we've finished, we will begin an open playtesting period to fix bugs and, more importantly, observe statistics on how well players perform on each stage. This includes which stages they get stuck on for the longest time, what stages they are able to finish without leaving, and which stages they die on most. After a day or so of this we'll balance the game out to ensure all players will have an easy time playing (>40% win rate). When that's done, and the game is finally released as an update to the main game, you speedrunners will probably think it's too easy. Worry not, however; as there are two difficulty settings, and you unlock hard mode after having completed it on easy (default) mode without skipping any stages.
I will make a DevForum post soon after release about all of the obby's nuances, including the differences in each stage per difficulty setting.
You can find the playtesting place here: https://www.roblox.com/games/65717825/TREO-Renovations. When it's ready, the thumbnail will be changed to fit the content of the obby. For now it's just a placeholder.
I appreciate offers of help, but I am going to politely decline for two reasons:
It is always better to have as few people working on a project as is necessary. Not only does this cut back on costs (which are not the issue here), but it makes for less conflicting schedules when trying to work together (thus completing the project faster). Having fewer people also ensures that there is less of a learning curve when adapting to other peoples' development styles. It's generally much less of a hassle to have less people, as you don't need a manager to assign each developer a certain task. For this project, it's just me and my friend uevol. We both have pretty well-rounded skill-sets on Roblox.
"Do you need any help?" is too open-ended of a question to give a proper response to. When you apply for a job or a college application, you don't say the same thing, but rather state your skills and the position you wish to help with and, if there's a follow-up, to show how you've applied those skills in something you've created or done. If you think this sounds obtuse or overbearing, just know I don't say this to single you out, but rather to help anyone who may be reading.
Please be sure to read the description.
I like it! Could there be an option to disable the effects of your previous gamepasses?
In the main game, the shop will be enabled, so yes, you will have that option. The pre-release version is going to be made private after the sponsor runs out.
I bought the rocket gamepass in TREO RENOVATIONS and still own the gamepass, does it do anything?
Uhh no, lol, that was just a test game pass I forgot to take offsale. Guess 14 people thought it worked.
It's been a long time since I've posted here. About a month ago, we did our (then-already late) second pre-release in order to see how profitable the obby was. It wasn't. In fact, it did so terrible, it made three times WORSE than the current obby earned in terms of robux per person, and that already wasn't good. To be specific, the number was 0.03 robux per person. The average front page game earns between 1 to 6 robux per person. Although all the feedback was great for the game itself, I cannot release such a terribly unprofitable game, especially if the income is actually doing worse than the current iteration. That was June 18th. Starting tonight we will be doing another pre-release after having made major changes to further monetize the game. If it has not improved drastically, we will be having short delays between further pre-releases, in which there will be price changes and potential new or scrapped shop items. If it's all fine, we will release the very next day. Hopefully that will be July the 15th.
Tonight's pre-release will begin after we've finished a brief play-testing session to ensure everything works correctly and that there are no major bugs.
probably going to ban speed glitches and remove all runs with them but nrn im too lazy