I have a Question for all ToH runners.
4 years ago
Georgia, USA

You should, because if lets say a runner uses a coil and puts it into new noob tower, and it gets accepted there, its a unfair advantage, or if someone uses glitches and submits it to new pro tower, it just wouldn't be fair.


@enchanter5143 Can you put this run in the right place https://www.speedrun.com/robloxtoh/run/mk3d6dvz


@enchanter5143 and If someone is in the wrong category, you must put them in the correct category watch the FAQ Forum https://www.speedrun.com/robloxtoh/thread/6kkgf

Edited by the author 4 years ago

@enchanter5143 no he not he run on 4tower must he run on 6 tower


@enchanter5143 Dont REJECT put him on The correct category put him on vip server noob tower

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Indiana, USA

honestly i wouldn’t add realm, he’s been banned from Roblox speed running discord for multiple reasons, and he’s had a pretty bad history of finding ways to cheat runs so yeah

Indiana, USA

the last thing I wanna do is to escalate the situation any further