Day 17: Gravity is studied a lot because it's a very attractive field.
Day 18: My father worked 12 hours a day to put food on the table. Great dad, slow cook.
Day 18: I told my doctor that every time I pass through one country to another I need a drink. He told me I'm a borderline alcoholic.
Day 19: If you're addicted to seaweed, sea kelp.
Day 20: Sokobans require you to think outside the box.
Day 21: I took my crocodile on a weekend trip and I got some great snaps.
Day 22: I told my friend 10 jokes to get him to laugh. Sadly, no pun in 10 did.
It's easier to get the joke when you read it rather than hear it.
Day 23: I created an online account with weight watchers, only to be asked, "do you accept cookies?" I think it's a test.
Day 24: Today at the bank, an old lady asked Mr to check her I pushesd her over.
Day 25: "Dad can you tell me what a solar eclipse is like?" "No sun"
I was in school I'm sorry I didn't post until now.
Day 26: Man in boxers leads police on brief chase
Day 27: It takes pirates so long to learn the alphabet because they spend years at C
Day 28: If there were an award for the least effective way of cleaning, I would sweep the table.
Day 29: Jokes about cows are utterly ridiculous
Day: 30: My girlfriend wants to leave me because of my obsession with police dramas. She said, "I think we should split up" I said, "Good idea. We can cover more ground that way.
Day 31: Did you see the dog's new outfit? It was quite fetching!
Day 32: Does a railway worker have to be trained?