New Category?
5 years ago
Lower Saxony, Germany

Hey Guys. AC2 provides something like a New Game+ mode with "Extra Aircraft".

So that's the story with another Fleet than casual/normal fleet.

So we could make a New Game+ category for every category.

And what about something like 100% With means play the game twice a run, collect whole fleet on both modes, kill any enemy, get highest promotion (Commander in Thief) and maybe earn every medal? Same like a possible Medal% we must fly twice with different routes with the slower missions.


Sardinia, Italy

Hi Blooddive, I really like and support your idea!

Playing with the extra planes gives us the chance to study new ideas and strategies to be as fast as possible.

I agree with you for the 100% speedrun as well: collect every plane in the game, get the highest promotion and earning every medal in the game. However, I think that killing EVERY enemy in the game would be way too much time consuming and useless, because the game awards you the highest rank without the need to kill off everything you see on the screen. The minimum time required to do a 100% run is more or less 3 hours, considering that to achieve the highest rank you have to play on "hard" difficulty.

And I think that is not useful to have a Medal% separated category, as it would be already implied in the 100% category.

If you are really sadist/masochist, you should add a "machine guns only" category, or a "A4 100% hard mode" category, lol :^]

NemesisXploder likes this

I suggest entering Any% (No Damage) and Any% NG+ (No Damage)

MadPunkerz likes this

When 100% Category? KEKW

Lower Saxony, Germany

Yeah I've got that mind past few days.

I'll put our ruleset made on discord next week. Promised.

I'm already doing some routing since Thursday.

NemesisXploder likes this
Lower Saxony, Germany

Or maybe a 100% damageless and A4 and machinegun only?

Naaah, that's way too crazy


Machinegun only sounds like interesting but...How destroy MSSL with Machinegun? :DDD No damage without 100% I think because its really crazy way. Just 100% run I think the best way for category (on Hard or...on other difficulty)

Blooddive likes this
Lower Saxony, Germany

100% must me completed with Hard. Otherwise you can´t reach the highest Rank. The Hundo requires two playthroughs, so the first for the medals can be run in runners choices difficulty, but the second one must be run at hard difficulty.

NemesisXploder likes this

In normal difficulty you can complete with highest rank, but you just lost 15+ minutes on Fighters Honor. But...its makes the task much easier. Therefore, in this case, the player does not have to play on hard difficulty. My opinion is that you need to do 2 races with high ranks for 100%, but the decision will be yours

Sardinia, Italy

For the 100% category:

  1. if it's really possible to achieve "Commander in Chief" playing on normal difficulty instead of hard, we should totally let speedrunners do so.
  2. I didn't know that you don't have to destroy everything to achieve the highest rank. That will be useful for my next TAS, thank you

On normal difficulty you will lose more time than on hard, but highest ranks are possible. On the hard difficulty you don't have to destroy all the enemies, but on the last map you can eliminate some enemies. On normal difficulty you need to destroy absolutely everyone and on the last map you also need to destroy a lot. when I'm done with RetroAchievements, I'll test it all properly

Blooddive likes this
Sardinia, Italy

Spasibo, I did't know this. I'm looking forward to see the results.

Another question: as far as you know, is there a way to break the game and make an any% run in a few minutes just like they did for GTA: San Andreas? Unfortunately I know nothing about programming/memory manipulation, so I can't test this myself.

Lower Saxony, Germany

Some exploration glitches or something would be funny, for sure. As far as I know - Sadly no. I hope, that someone with knowhow and skills will take a look at AC2, but I dunno if and when that´ll happen.

MadPunkerz likes this
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