Run Submit Frequency/introduction
4 years ago
Alabama, USA

Hey First off I submitted a run earlier today and the time was 24:09. Just reject it if you like I'm about to submit a better time. That gets me to my question. If i'm grinding a category is it uncouth to submit a run everytime I get a PB? Would it be best if I wait until I get a run that advances my position? I ask because I know someone has to review all this stuff and I want to be respectful of their time. I'm Scott by the way and I played this game a lot as a kid and just recently picked it back up. I'm grinding Max very easy and hope to eventually go for WR if I can stick with it. I got into speedrunning SMB about a year ago and just started running SOR2. It's a lot more fun lol. But yeah nice to meet yous guys and feel free to say hi!

P.S. the time I'm going to submit tonight/tomorrow morningish is 23:46. Please don't reject that one lol.

King_iOpa likes this
British Columbia, Canada

nah you don't have to submit every single PB you get. If you know you'll get a better time in a matter of a day or 2 just save yourself the time

Alabama, USA

Thanks Mate. I was more concerned with being rude by making much better SRO2 runners watch too many of my videos lol. I'll just try to submit when I have a time that will change my ranking and start there.

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