Issues with IL and TA timing and verification
5 years ago

I'm going to split the post into IL and then both to make it easier to document the issues I see with the current methods.

ILs Verification: It has been mentioned multiple times already but I feel that since the game has come out on PC the need for video proof has greatly increased. Using address editing software I have been able to make the times appear as a chosen value very easily. So easily that someone with zero experience could do it.

ILs and TA timing: Upon a bit of testing the in-game timer is affected by the FPS the players are using. Holding forward down and retrying the stage 1-1 on each fps option 5+ times this is what I found. I'm unsure of how much this would affect full runs although I suspect it wouldn't and that it's just the timer having more frames to display. However, ILs and TA both use the in-game timing method and players who use the highest fps would theoretically have an advantage over those on a console or using lower fps.

I'm up for debates and opinions on the matter.

Earllgray likes this

There aren't many submissions on the level leaderboard yet but I noticed PC does seem to be consistently above the console times. Obviously it could be down to PC gamers being more talented, it's probably too early to say otherwise, but if there is any advantage on a platform level this could add up over a full run.

Ellie likes this

Yeah, since TA uses the same timing method adding up definitely becomes an issue. Personally, I noticed my 1-1 time wasn't as good as others and then heard one of them was on 240 while I play on 60fps.

gavme likes this

The lack of videos for some submissions also doesn't help with cross platform comparison.

Stimich, Earllgray, and Ellie like this
East Sussex, England

Interesting read as i hadnt considered this affecting the runs. The steam leaderboard is a mess with someone at no1 with a 0.00.00 time on casual TA so its clearly easy to adjust the timer much of a difference does fps make and is it worth using split software?

Connecticut, USA

@Garf we use a load remover for all runs not on time trials. With time trails the times change between platforms so their isn't much we can do about that. When it comes to fps effecting times (mainly for ILS), it is a super small effect, max were talking about is 0.01 seconds at most. And their isn't anything we can do to make it even between all platforms.