Why this run in particular?
1 year ago
Pennsylvania, USA
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

So my garden ops 2 players run got rejected because apparently the quality was so dogshit that the text wasn’t even readable. That’s fine, but what I don’t understand is why that run in particular was rejected. Basically every other run I’ve submitted has had the same shit quality except the ones in category extensions for zomburger. And also the 2 player run I submitted for graveyard ops 2 player (the 9:48 one) had the same ass quality but didn’t get rejected? I’ve already asked this question in the discord and no one answered so I figured I’d ask it here instead. Idek why I’m complaining about this cuz 9th place ain’t even that great, just kinda confuses me.

Pennsylvania, USA
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

Regardless, I will try to improve the quality in the future so this doesn’t happen again. Hope you understand!

Pennsylvania, USA
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

I also just realized that it was verified then rejected. Why was it verified first then rejected later on? That kinda makes no sense at all imo cuz if you verified it before then you could read the texts??

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Hello everyone! I came to warn you about the changes that have occurred these last few months in relation to the timing of the categories, as you may have noticed.

-> Why did we do this in the first place?

Well, recently, we had noticed that runs made on PC had faster loading screens than on c

2 years ago