Steam PC version difficulty question
4 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Is there an unofficial rule for the level of difficulty the PC runs should be played at (on either plumaxia, melcosia, or walsamer)? There's "easy" "normal" and "difficult". That also differs from the PS1 version's "novice" and "expert" difficulties slightly.

Thanks! :)

United States

I always play on normal but that's just me. I think when Freya was briefly playing PC they played normal, but that's just because the PC version only had one difficulty initially and that's what we grew up on.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
ItsDave92 likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

Makes sense! Normal is normal.

I grew up with the 1.0 demo.... extrEMELY different


Perhaps there could be a seperate category for expert if a run of that ever gets done