Discord Server
3 years ago
Manitoba, Canada

I just created a discord server for this game. I think it would be easier for any new members joining the community. https://discord.com/invite/JqEkBxrH

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

Create a permanent invite link and post it so others can join

Pennsylvania, USA

The invite is in the resources section

United Kingdom

Heya the invite in the resources shows as invalid. Would you mind updating it or sending me a new one? Thanks!

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

I just updated it. Go ahead and try again and let me know if it works

United Kingdom

Yep, that worked! Cheers!

The Information you shared above is great. I have been reading all you shared here. In this you explained everything very well. If i want any further guideline we will contact you here https://floridaloteryresults.com/

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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