We need to do something about the mod staff.
3 years ago
United States

I've made a few forums about the mods, but this is truly something that needs to be addressed. Theres really only one answer I believe, and that is that we need more mods, I understand that there are a lot of people in this community that are trolls and wouldn't take it seriously, but we also have people who would actually try there best. Another thing is how runs are getting verified which doesn't make sense. For example I have two runs that have waited for 3 weeks to be verified and a few others which are close to 3 weeks, and yet Ophiuchus's SSG 4:48 got verified in a day or two. I really hope we find a solution to this problem and please don't make this a meme I really want to figure this out.

CHengX, LemonMedal11 and 3 others like this

ok find us people who arent mainly trolling, are active, are respected, and are willing to commit long term to this leaderboard. and dont say something dumb like the people who post on this forum 24/7.

Ravenna_, Tutterey and 5 others like this
United States

Very well then

United Kingdom

Just get the wr then your run will be verified simple as that

Jux_LuxYT likes this
United States

@Jux_LuxYT yea I have a run that is getting close to a month and I saw ophi get his run verified and I talked to him and he said to dm a mod or sum. I was thinking to make a forum but I didn’t want to sound whiny like I have before. You basically did what I was going to do

Jux_LuxYT likes this

@Unban_norris steph b doesnt want mod cause of troll, i dont even know who will is, meira is nowhere near active enough/half of the community doesnt know who they are, hashbrown is not really active on discord and he mains ILs but hes not too bad of a choice

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Hashbrown1806 likes this
United States

Ye I've messaged Hash


swaggycat is not as active as he can be, same with ender, and i dont think any LCE mods would enjoy bedorck mod

New South Wales, Australia

If you want to be a mod you need to be willing to go through 210 runs and takes the job seriously.


no one is willing to go through 210 runs, thats why there arent 2 mods

Tutterey likes this
United States

At this point i feel like people are gonna recommend volunteers


all mods are volunteers, no one is forced to do anything and no one gets paid and stuff

Alexis., Jux_LuxYT, and Tutterey like this
United States

@smitch id love to volunteer and I am active on discord, just not the bedrock server mainly cause no one talks to me there, if I was mod I would be more active, only one problem, idk. how to retime or anything but i think it should be pretty easy to teach

Jux_LuxYT likes this

im not going to tell you who gets mod or not but i will tell you that mod apps coming soonâ„¢

Jux_LuxYT likes this
United States

nice, Ill apply.

New South Wales, Australia

I might apply

United States

True I feel like we’re going to have to cut back on that rule at least for now

LemonMedal11 and Tutterey like this


Treys likes this
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New proof rules for top level runs

Hello Runners.

We have a new rule for all platforms, for random seed runs.

After completing a Top Run (Top 5 Main Category/1st ILs), you must exit the world and go to the main menu.

For top Windows runners, you still have to do PowerShell verification.

For Ps4/Ps5, this rule

7 months ago