New Category?!
5 years ago
New York, USA

I know this is kinda a weird category idea but what if we made a Kirby: Star Allies (Demo) Any% as an extension. Beat the Star Allies demo as fast as possible, timing starting when you select Grasslands Stage (Easy) and timer ends on last on the Dedede fight.

New York, USA

Dang dude, it was just a suggestion damn. Why u gotta be like that?

Edited by the author 5 years ago
New York, USA

I mean it’s just an idea 🤷

New York, USA

It would be an extremely short, arbitrary category. Nobody's stopping you from running it yourself, but it wouldn't be added to this leaderboard.

MKCocoon likes this
New York, USA

I know it would be extremely short, I feel that it would be good for beginner Star Allies Runners and I don’t know see why it couldn’t be a category that’s all.


If you are looking for a beginner category I would suggest to anyone to run Meta Knight's Guest Star

Grinding it out is what made me good in the first place