4 years ago
Orlando, FL, USA

So. We have a couple of runners it looks like. I have 3 questions. There are no stated rules.

  1. I'm guessing any% is finishing the Bui Boss in Mind Palace but does time stop when you enter the door? or ... when you skip credits and the key touches the keyhole? I would suggest ending time on door entry, as everything after that is either credits, or part of hundo.
  2. RE: 100% does time end when you beat Nightcore (say on screen fade), or should we do it like Invictus and end it when you enter GameMaster's Manor? I would suggest when you enter GM Manor as that would technically be when you 'lose control'.
  3. What timer offset are we using? lame-o i saw you used 1.92, but I'm not sure we have control over mario at that point? Shoud we just have time start with no offset?
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