Medal Awarded
8 years ago
Texas, USA

Two of the runs that were verified today list the Medal Awarded as Gold, but neither were awarded gold medals. Am I missing something or is the Medal Awarded wrong?

DrYoshiyahu likes this
South Australia, Australia

Correct, I put the wrong thing in the form - I saw the gold background and didn't think to check the scores.

I've put in an edit to both of those runs, which just need to be verified. Thanks for pointing it out.

Victoria, Australia

My bad. I need to be paying attention to that when I verify them. :O

South Australia, Australia

I think I saw one of yours with the wrong medal as well. It doesn't really matter IMO, at least as long as the times, etc. are correct.

Texas, USA

I've noticed another thing about the medals.

This run has Medal Awarded listed as Silver:

But this run has strictly better stats and got no medal:

So it seems like the game will always display the gold medal requirements if you've already achieved a gold medal for that level. This makes it difficult to tell which medal would have been awarded on a completed save file. I recommend we either 1) find or compile a list of all medal requirements so we can look up the correct value for Medal Awarded or 2) create a blank or "unknown" Medal Awarded option for when the medal is unknown. (I would start a list of medal requirements myself if there was a good place for me to put it that anyone could edit.)

South Australia, Australia

You're right. For my run (the first link) I just asusmed that because it wasn't going to be worth gold (because I didn't pick up the bonus) it must have been a silver. I've submitted an edit - thanks.

There's already a list of gold medal requirements here but it doesn't contain what the requirements are for silver/bronze because it idea was probably for anybody wanting to do 100% runs. This could end up being a bit of a hassle, though, if you end up having to look up tables of requirements every time you submit a run.

Victoria, Australia

Yeah, when this was posted, I thought that it'd be a good idea to have all the medal requirements, but I can't find a list anywhere. I might have to do the research manually if something doesn't turn up.

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