Updated game
2 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

With the updates to the game, it seems like it may be a good idea to update the board to reflect that?

Theres the two separate stories, and enough changes to warrant a separation between the old and new runs(yes im getting back into running this game).

SickJester likes this

I might need to restart this game then


Just starting back, it really changed

New South Wales, Australia

yeah as i mentioned it feels like theres enough changes to warrant a bit of a separation between the older and newer runs on the board.

Also, I will be showing off the run at ASM2023 in July, so im excited about that.


Hey guys! :)

Played this game for the first time recently (it just released on PS5 a short while ago) and couldn't find these boards at the time, so I'm very surprised they materialized out of nowehere all of a sudden for me.😂

Anyway, I'm seconding the notion of giving the boards a do-over. After looking at Sickjester's run and comparing it to my own from a few days ago, the run is now quite a bit more complex with having to collect upgrade materials and unlocking abilities bit-by-bit (my first run took me 1:20:44 RTA and about 1:08:xx IGT, which can still be imrpoved upon quite a bit, but even pushing the IGT below an hour will be a challenge now).

I'm thinking the boards could be divided by character (Lu Yunchuan/Xiahou Xue), then NG/NG+, finally difficulty (Casual, Normal, Hard)

New South Wales, Australia

For the most part I agree with those categories, the awkward thing I was initially finding with NG+ though is that the more runs through on a file, the more scaled up the enemy health ends up being. I had initially thought of doing mostly NG+ but then was confused how my times were getting slower and slower as I did more runs on the same file. Im sure theres a better way of doing it, but ive just been focusing mainly on Lu NG Casual atm for a marathon showcase.


Oh, I didn't know they kept scaling on further NG+ cycles! :O That's interesting. Can defiantely see the Dark Souls influence there, though :D


GG on the run at ASM! :D


Any news on when the leaderboards will be updated? Submitted a run (of the 'new' game) about a month ago at this point, too...🤔


I take that as a "no"...

United States

The moderator was last online two weeks ago. Since your run has not been verified within three weeks of its submission date you should contact them via SRC message system.


Well, the run(s) would require a restructuring of the leaderboards, so it was fine that it took a while longer. But you may be right, it's starting to take too long now...


Looking forward for separate categories of the 2 characters, as i really want to start running this game :)

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