Howdy, I'm new to running Bloons and I installed the autosplitter but unsure of exactly how it works.
I'm pressing to start rounds, but the autosplitter doesn't begin the timer when I do, which I thought was how it's supposed to work, though I might be wrong. Can someone help me out here?
Personally don't use it (nor have I really seen anyone do so,) but if you haven't you could try following the guide on the github page to make sure it's properly installed. It does seem to say it only splits at r40, 60, etc. Try getting to one of those rounds to see if it works or not
So are you and most others using a start/split hotkey? Maybe I'm misunderstanding setting it up in LiveSplit and need to have those rounds added to my splits or something.
Also, while I'm at it, I don't see any particular rules (Monkey Knowledge, double cash mode, etc) yay or nay to those?
Most of us just use space to start the timer as it's also the hotkey to start the play button in game. Not sure about each splits, don't think any of the active runners use one. If you wanted to, you could make them but that's up to you.
You're allowed to use monkey knowledge, no double cash. Only power allowed is monkey farmers. You can view the rules for running the game by clicking on any category and then there should be a view rules box. I'll just give you a heads up because most people don't pay attention to this rule, and it's that you need to show the home screen before/after your run.
Got it. Not sure how I missed the view rules button, didn't miss the recording of home screen though. Thanks for the quick replies.
Currently, we all put our run into video software such as Avidemux
to mark the start and end frames and that's how we get the time for our runs
So I did okay for this run, recorded home screen before, but totally forgot to record it after... D'oh.
Frames: 18194 LiveSplit Time: 4:42:250 Premiere Pro Time: 4:42:14
That said, if I count frames but have a time discrepancy like this, which time should I actually submit for?
Decided against autosplitter too.
You should base your time off premiere pro. LiveSplit could have inaccuracies on the exact frames of time start and time end, whereas you can determine the exact frames of start and end in software like premiere
Hi there, I made the autosplitter. It's more of a proof of concept now than anything, it uses a mod to log the current round into a file and it reads from the file to determine the round.
I haven't worked on it in a while so I don't know if it still works
Hi all,
Minecool was great enough to update the timer mod to version 44.0, as the previous version we used was not working. Please find it in the resources tab ()
In addition, I slapped a short install tutorial of