Hi fellow speedrunners o/
Recently I've been using an excel sheet that I made that calculates goal splits for any given time (i.e Balanced PB splits for any goal time if you're using LiveSplit), and I find it quite useful
Here's how it looks like: https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vcHV1LnNoL3VoWUpsL2Q0NTkwZjQzY2UucG5nIn0.LqMhj6Gr3qisCwRQyvAH6n-kLtA
After copypasting LiveSplit times into the three first columns and setting a goal time under the "Ideal" case, the sheet calculates reachable goal splits that have the time you entered as the final time. In other words, it gives you split times in order to give you steps to reach your goal time.
There's also an additional column that you can edit (the "offset" one, though that's not the correct word for it), where you can set a time to make a specific split easier to match (if it's RNG based or very hard), which will make all of the other splits a bit harder to match so that the final time stays the same.
I'd like to know if a tool like that interests anyone so that I continue to work for it / allow it to be downloaded, or if you have any suggestions to improve it ?
I personally really enjoy having info like this and I could see it being a better way of looking at areas that need to be improved. Would be interested in using it whenever you decide to put it up for download.
i found something interesting and useful, so im going to comment on it. I dont care when the post was made, and i dont understand why anybody would care