Switching from RTA to in game
7 years ago
California, USA

I watched your video, WWEdeadman, and I thought it was great at explaining everything. How did we not notice the drill? I noticed how you also mentioned switching from real time to in game time to eliminate loads, and I partly agree. The one thing that would have to happen, however is that I would have to remove all current runs from Bob 100% and Ambulance 100% (because these are the only full runs. Tell me what you think we should do.


Well, all we really need to do is time the loads, and subtract them from the real time. It would be a lot easier on PC, seeing as Live Split can automatically remove load times. I'd say we count the time that the blood bag loading bar is on screen as load, and just remove the total time that blood bag is seen from the RTA time to get in-game time. It's a bit tedious to manually time your loads, that's why I hadn't brought it up yet.

Anyway, for the leaderboards you'd keep the real time as is, and just submit the time without loads on in-game with it. Or you just call those two columns "With loads" and "without loads" like the Dishonored leaderboards do. Either way, you don't need to necessarily remove the current runs, just make the boards order the runs by the time without loads, and just leave the current ones in there without that field filled. We can edit the runs to add the time without loads, after all. Just need to time them first.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
California, USA

Alright. I think ill go the dishonored route and make 2 different sections for with and without loads. Thanks for the suggestions!

California, USA

Ok, so I put the with or without loads option into the submitting menu, but in doing so it deleted all the runs itself. I guess the leaderboard will just have to be repopulated.


Okay, so, this isn't exactly how Dishonored does that, as in they have the with and without loads thing where we have real time and game time, but I guess I'll go ahead and accept it this way too. So basically we'll have to submit every run twice, once with and if we get around to timing loads on it, a second time for without loads, but I guess that's fine. I'll go ahead and re-submit my PB on Bob 100%. I'll submit the other 3 categories on the weekend. Also, I'll probably time my loads then too.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
California, USA

Well, if we do without loads, you should have all the surgery times visible and add them all up and that would be the time.


Oh, so not the classic version of actually timing the loads, but by going with the in-game timer of each surgery? Well, that would eliminate menuing from the equation completely. I mean, that's essentially almost a segmented run.

Seydie likes this
California, USA

Yeah, but you couldn't restart the level as much as you want. I'm talking all in a row, and if you don't like the result, then you can't retry the surgery you were just on (unless it's the first one of course.) Plus it would eliminate all the technical stuff from different platforms and stuff.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

I mean, yeah, it does eliminate loads, but quite honestly I don't think I'd have much of a problem to cut an actual segmented run to look like it was single segment on the video. Not saying I'd do that, but there is kinda a lot of potential for people doing that...

California, USA

Well true, but it would be the same difficulty as cheating in a run WITH loads because the menu isn't any different or anything, the only difference is how you add up your time in the end. They would still be examined, like I do now.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

You know, it's fine, I can actually still post my runs in both categories, cause all in-game timers are visible long enough to easily pause the video to check. At least on my Bob 100% PB. Perks of recording with a capture card, I guess.

California, USA

Lol yeah I'm gonna have to look directly at the time and HOPE it's visible to whatever camera im recording it with.


So, one thing though, this means that in-game time runs have to be no reset, right? Just cause I did a True 100% run today, and I realized I can't really time it for in-game, cause that would completely disregard the restarts I did on 2 of the operations.

California, USA

Not necessarily no reset, it's just the first successful ones. You can submit your times for true 100% added up.

California, USA

Yeah as long as there's no obvious farming for times

California, USA

Also, you know what? I don't think I've done a very good job at making these new categories, so I'm going to make you a mod to help with new stuff. It's been pretty all over the place under my control alone. Plus, I think a well thought out video extensively explaining how to do everything, such as yours, warrants a mod.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Okay, cool. Then I'll go ahead and say I'll change the names of the categories to RTA and in-game instead of with and without loads, and do a bit of work on the rules, maybe, so they're more straight forward. (At least in my opinion)

The categories can stay that way, for a ll I care otherwise.

California, USA

Alright. I'm glad to hear it.

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