New Bottle Throw Strat?
7 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

I noticed that in some new runs there's a new bottle throw done when picking up the gear in the safe room. How is this done?

Texas, USA

Hi! Sorry this board hasn't been very active lately. I'm just trying to get back into the game myself. The bottle strat that's currently the fastest (and actually the easiest and most consistent setup too!) is to line yourself up so that you run directly straight towards the bottle, pick it up from as far away as you can (not hard to figure out the correct distance for this) stop, don't move, don't turn, look straight up, throw it, then start the gear grabbing cutscene. You'll still miss every now and then but this is definitely the best setup for the bottle throw and is not very hard at all. Hope this answers your question!

AdilB102 likes this
California, USA

I have a tip as well, I've gotten mine down pretty consistently., I would run up grab the bottle, quickly crouch while placing slightly to the right of the cent of the gear. (mouthful). look up and toss it, if your crosshair is in the 3rd frame of the skylight, it should hit ya 100% of the time :)

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