Item Duplication Execution Techniques
8 years ago
California, USA

So after a quick look into Bizhawk, It would appear item duplication is frame perfect; you must release B at the exact frame you press R. A minor breakdown for posterity.

Throwing Frame 0: B is released Frame 2: Spin circle disappears Frame 3: Item is thrown

Item Wheel Frame 1: R pressed Frame 2: Slot swapped

I tried mixing up the timing between presses and checked if R could maybe be pressed with B depressed for 1 frame since the throw animation is longer. No luck.

Main purpose is to ask for footage of people's hands doing multiple dupes (like 10) on their controllers. I have tried about 3 different ideas for how to hold a controller to no success. Looking for ideas here.

I use an input visualizer for my stream. Check my run around Dryazhek when I do a dupe session.

I just do a normal grip on a DS4.

Edit: One thing I've taken to doing is breaking the Power Wine dupe into three sessions. Once on the ship to about 70 STR, once early in Desert to about 110, then a final one just before the Chaos General to about 150. Three sessions loses me a few seconds because I have to play with my inventory 3 times, but I make it up in consistent duping because my right wrist doesn't get tired.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
California, USA

I understand how to accomplish the dupe. The issue is mechanically finding a way to consistently do it that is close to the layout on actual hardware. I could completely remap the controller to accomplish it, but that wouldn't help much if I were looking to do marathon submissions.

That's what I'm saying though. Fon uses a keyboard, I use a normal grip on a Dual Shock 4 so I'm not doing anything special, and I'm 90% sure Vandaeron does the same. I will say my consistency went up a ton just by doing a playthru and duping everything I needed. I went from about 5% consistent to 50% consistent through 1 or 2 playthru/runs. I'm probably closer to 75% now.

There's no special grip or trick to it; you just have to find a rhythm (or use a keyboard Kappa).

FONR likes this
Arizona, USA

I think I can show the item dupe on my controller. Since I can dupe consistently but it's a bit slow to get it down. For that reason, I can dupe easily and quickly. I usually have one item in the box and other two blank ( Like Trysdyn, has two items in the box leaving one blank in but moving a item around to make sure it doesn't dupe one item over the other item). To get the idea. Yes, you HAVE to release B at ALMOST the same frame as you PRESS R. It's almost as if you're doing with timing but it's slightly. To dupe an item consecutively I may cast to show how it's down with controller but it may not be perfect when I fail to dupe. Apart from timing, it's more like having a muscle memory to get it down to dupe the item. However, the more you do, the faster and more item you can dupe without a miss. I'm still learning how to dupe with 2 items and one blank but I get nervous to accidentally use an item when it has only one and go like "GODAMMIT!!!" or "SOB! This stupid controller"

Soooo.... I'll see and find a time to cast and do the controller on cam doing the item dupe for this game.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Arizona, USA

Here it is. I just made a highlight of duping an item with my physical controller on cam. Which will give an idea on how it works. Soooo....I hope that helps. Since while you hold B and hit R and that orange border goes to that item, You let go of B and press R by like at least 0.2 or 0.4 (around there) to trigger the dupe. It's almost like you're alternating the button but not as close AND It not like releasing B as you press R at the same time which will not work precisely but yea there is a fraction of frame and timing between the B and R as you about to throw an item to dupe one.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Turbodog702 likes this

Getting ahold of everything I need to run on console after AGDQ. I'm a little worried about how my dupe times will suffer when I switch. With the way I have my button layout on my keys, duping is made simpler and I can do it really quickly because it's all a quick, swift and easy motion. Doing it with a controller certainly seems a lot trickier.

Pretty sure all you can really do is grind it out like Trysdyn said and get it down to muscle memory, but I would be really interested in it if anybody found some cool techniques for controller duping.

Arizona, USA

GC controller IS going to feel different. I was hoping if there a GBA everdrive for it that CAN plug into SNES hardware. So you can use the SNES controller a lot easier but I doubt they have that kind of thing.

GC controller actually feels nice to dupe with if you swap the L/R buttons with X/Y. Willing to upload a video of me doing dupes with camera on hands/controller if anybody would like it as a reference at any point.

Arizona, USA

Do it! I;m just trying to figure out how to put a GBA emulator into my Wii Console and get a SNES-like controller to plug in my Wii so I can Play SS and SS2....Rather RUN those games

Edited by the author 7 years ago

I am unsure if that is possible. Shining Soul II isn't on the Wii VC store, so you'd need to get a separate GBA emulator channel to your Wii. You'd likely need to softmod your Wii as that sounds like something you could only achieve through Homebrew and that's assuming somebody out there has taken the time to make the application. The next challenge with it would be getting a SNES-style controller for it. I know that there are USB SNES controllers, but I don't think something like that would work through the USB port in a Wii. If you got one of the USB SNES controllers though, you could just keep doing it through your PC.

Arizona, USA

You can mod it but it needs internet, SD card, and such craps to get those in there. I'm still looking for someone that can do those for me but once I do that, It goes to crap and GG! Wii is broken.

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