Some Extra Categories
1 year ago
Texas, USA

If a category extensions ever happens, here are some more categories that can go there: Small only, no coins (if possible), longest path

Texas, USA

And here's an interesting one: "15264738" (you complete all levels of every world in that order with Mario only of course)

Czech Republic
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

Walkathon too

Florida, USA

Because of SRC's weird formatting, we haven't added category extensions. We do however have a handful of category extensions tracked and recorded on this google doc If you do a run of some of the suggested runs on this thread and record it, we'll probably add it to the sheet.

I should also say that recently we've gotten a large about of SRC threads giving ideas for new categories, whether they be stuff to add to the main boards or category extensions. If you want to increase the chance of us adding a new category to the board, I suggest joining the NSMB discord and discussing your ideas there, because as of now, most ideas for new categories have been largely unorganized because most of the people requesting new additions only suggest them on the SRC forums and haven't joined the discord, and the SRC forums receive very little attention compared to the discord.

As with all speedgames, it doesn't have to be a category on SRC for you to run it, so carry on troopers.

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