Madness Mode
NiveauEerste plaats
Glass Joe
Gabby Jay
Von Kaiser
Disco Kid
Piston Hurricane
Bob Charlie
Bear Hugger
Piston Honda
Kid Quick
King Hippo
Great Tiger
Masked Muscle
Aran Ryan
Dragon Chan
Pizza Pasta
Soda Popinski
Heike Kagero
Mad Clown
Don Flamenco
Bald Bull
Narcis Prince
Hoy Quarlo
Super Macho Man
Mr. Sandman
Rick Bruiser
Nick Bruiser
Mr. Dream
Mike Tyson
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Rule Update.

There is a rule stating that you must show settings before or after run, but I have decided to remove that rule because it it a hassle to open settings before or after every attempt.

This will be done immediately.

7 months ago
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Geplaatst 7 months ago
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Geplaatst 7 months ago
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Geplaatst 7 months ago
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