Should nobeads% allow members' worlds?
9 years ago

If nobeads% allows members' worlds then you'd have to use a bond every time you reset which can cost a lot of money. It will also deter players from wanting to run it if they don't already have a well established main on OSRS. I propose that nobeads% be f2p only to encourage more people to run it.

HolySanctum likes this
United States

i fail to understand what you're getting at here. you can do the run as a f2p as it states in the rules.

Complete all F2P quests except Imp Catcher.

Allowing both f2p and p2p accounts participate in the same category gives a significant advantage to p2p accounts because they have access to more content. I'm suggesting that the current nobeads% category should be split into f2p nobeads% and p2p nobeads% or p2p nobeads% be removed altogether because it will have very few runners and runs will be extremely costly.

United States

you are correct. stamina potions would benefit greatly in a run.

United States

Yeah, but how do ironmen get their hands on stamina pots?

There's lots of things that would benefit p2p ironman in nobeads%. Just look at the current nobeads% wr and its use of poison. A f2p ironman can't cheese strong enemies with that.


If you saw when adding a run for this category and also the other category that we have is the option to submit your run as either f2p or members. If you choose the option at the top of the page you can compare them side by side or individually as either just f2p or just members. So as it stands it shouldn't be changed.

Illinois, USA

I do think it should be changed though. I doubt anyone would ever do more than one p2p attempt because of the cost of each run. In addition, p2p has access to the waterfall quest which allows you to fly through the f2p quests. I think it should be made a different category or removed. P2p and f2p can't compete against each other.

Putting f2p and p2p runs on the same leaderboard is very confusing and discouraging to new players (especially those who don't already play RS and only want to approach it as a speedgame.) If we acknowledge them as two separate runs then we should give them two separate categories.


I see where you are coming from with this. But clearly at the top of the leaderboards there are the options to change what appears on the leaderboard. This being It can show f2p and p2p so people can compare and also just p2p on its own as well as just f2p. For instance on the speedrun section for Super Mario Sunshine, they have an option like the f2p/p2p for emulator or console.


Also people who dont already play RS probably wouldnt think about speedrunning it until they have actually learnt how to play the game first?