Exhaustion Storage
2 years ago
Maryland, USA

tl;dr: in a manner kind of like cat waitress, naomi stores her exhaustion through form swaps. This can soft lock cutscenes... can it do anything else?

Probably easier to just explain the steps that can get the glitch:

  1. sprint until out of stamina as human naomi
  2. while still exhausted, transform into an animal form
  3. hit a trigger for a cutscene that uses human naomi
  4. naomi will have her exhausted status in the cutscene

I encountered this while testing other stuff out, and carrying this exhausted status into the first mountain cutscene (where David tells you to go get the irish coffee) softlocked the game midway through the cutscene.

As is, this is just something to be aware of as an easily avoided softlock. But it does make me curious if there are other uses for the whole concept of storing stuff between form transfers. Cat waitress is the big one that's currently known, but maybe there's more? idk.

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