New SM64 Category?
3 years ago
Minnesota, USA

Yo that’s a good idea

Minnesota, USA

Yea that is good I would want to see this on category extensions


hope he says it can be a category extension, that would be fun if the top runners did it. they prolly wont but still, it would be cool.

Shac0le and pepsiopen like this
Oregon, USA

You do know that's basically impossible right.

pepsiopen likes this
Massachusetts, USA

I believe the category you're describing is low A press RTA

pepsiopen likes this
Victoria, Australia

im sorry but i really dont see this category being added

Pikaboy70, jacobo and 2 others like this

I’d personally enjoy seeing a “Low A Press RTA” category or something similar. It would be a fun challenge category like low% in OoT(which’s run, but mostly as a challenge iirc).

pepsiopen likes this
Massachusetts, USA

OoT also has low A press rta

Queensland, Australia

But I don't think you can Lblj @felixwarp

Queensland, Australia

it's a special blj that is used in the main lobby to get to dark world early and it might be used in other places aswell

Massachusetts, USA

This is kind of a side thing, but low% wouldn't really involve an A press counter because the game doesn't track how many times you've pressed it. I could be wrong, I'm not a part of the low% guys.

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EMU/VC subcategories for Stage RTA

We would like to announce that VC and EMU subcategories are now active on the Stage RTA leaderboards (under "Levels"). Stage RTA involves collecting all the stars in a given stage including the 100 coin star. Timing starts on star select and ends upon collecting the final star. You are allowed to us

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