Average Verification Time?
4 months ago
Texas, USA

So, I've had a run pending for 2 weeks now (a On a Knife's Edge 1.0.1. run), and I just wanted to know... how long does it usually take to verify a run, and what all goes into verifying, because I've just kinda been waiting for the email saying it got verified or rejected, and I'm just like, "So, should I ask somebody about this, or not?"

Just wanting to make sure, because if it's usually this long, then I could understand.

(Sorry if this comes off as rude, I'm just trying to put my complaints as politely as possible, and I worry I'm failing at that.)

California, USA
He/Him, It/Its
3 months ago

Mine took two months, but that was because I ran an incredibly obscure category, and I had a bad quality recording (thanks to OBS not liking my 6 year old laptop)

Michigan, USA

If only there were more mods...

Chicago, IL, USA

I'm at 12 days myself

Texas, USA

I just hit a month.

Michigan, USA

I think the inactive mods should step down and active players should take their place.

While it says we have five mods, I believe only one of them is actively approving most all recent runs. I just checked a whole bunch of runs on the current 1.0.1 boards and I see around 30 approved by Switchblade and 1 approved by Math. I'm certain I missed some as there are lots of filters. Also, I don't want to disparage any previous contributions from those other three mods. However, I think it's safe to say this game needs more active mods right now.

I had a group message going with all five mods over a month ago on the topic of splitting the boards by deck. During that conversation Switchblade spoke about the constant backlog of runs that need verification. So at the very least, the mods are aware of an issue. I volunteered myself to mod for the game and I was denied.

I think one month for verification is a little on the high side with five mods. I believe four of those five mods are only moderating this game. Ironically, Switchblade is moderating multiple games. I want to stress that I am not trying to be rude, I'm just calling it how I see it. If there are any active players reading this thread, please volunteer yourself.


The amount of runs coming in compared to how many mods are active here is very one sided, I've got a full time job and a baby, my free time right now is next to none, I'll happily step down from being a mod (can't do it myself need the main mod to remove me) and someone else can take it, let him know

Michigan, USA

I was attempting to shed light on the inactive mods not push the one active mod to leave. I hope this thread wasn't a contributing factor in your decision. I understand every mod has a life outside of this site. I hope that everyone knows that mods are volunteering their precious time to this community. I truly appreciate everything that you and all of the current and past mods have done up to this point.


Nah no worries man! You seem to be passionate about this and that's just what they need in a mod, hope things get sorted here ASAP!

Texas, USA

I didn't plan this, lmao. My bad.


Hey I think they got a new mod

Michigan, USA

Indeed. Shout out to Fourfivetwo for getting knighted and verifying 15 runs already.

Only runs left in the queue as of right now are mine - I will try to keep up and have things verified within 1-2 weeks of post at most, want to keep the records as up to date as possible as the community continues to grow


Thanks man! Actually the goat

Any/All, They/Them
1 month ago

Do we need more verifiers? we have runs that have been in the queue more than a month. I've never verified before but I'd be down to verify if given the chance

AlvaMalin likes this

Please mods verify some runs. I have 12 pending Balatro runs.

Kanagawa, Japan

Please contact all moderators and provide screenshots showing no response to SRC support. I also contacted SRC support, but the recording was approved immediately after, so I am no longer a moderator. I haven't submitted any records yet, so someone please do so.