Does anyone know why there's no Low% category for X1, when there are for most of the other X games?
low% is much harder than any%, its a much more dangerous setting, because dying to bospider or sigma is MUCH more of a real risk than if you're able to have a subtank and a few heart tanks. you get literally 1 free mistake on bospider, d-rex, or sigma and then you're dead and your run is ruined. heck, thats why low% is a different setting on X2 or X3, its not the same level of risk as an any%, and we should have a category for people to run it separately for skill expression. /opinion
An optimal any% run on X1 is already no subtanks, no heart-tanks, no upgrades (besides the unskippable ones). X2 and X3 are different because you can skip all the armor upgrades, and there's fastest way to end the game in their respective any% routes (getting shoryuken in X2, getting the dash boots and the saber in X3).