quick update!
2 years ago

just posting here to document a few things i've found

  1. the game has updated, it SEEMS like you may have to bring the dentures into the final room now instead of just grabbing them once (i'm still not 100% sure if grabbing something while running is slower than just running)

  2. i've found that breaking glass or distracting the vampire is (generally) a BAD idea, as it delays him from taking a drink. instead of breaking gloass in the kitchen, crawl into the bedroom for the first time to grab the fermented blood, and the vampire should be on the right side of the room. he will then walk to the left side, and then just on top of the note, and then he'll walk away. as he starts to walk away, quickly blop hop to grab the fermented blood, and continue as normal

now for the theorising part:

it seems the vampire is on a schedule, which means we probably need to find a way to control when the vampire takes a drink, and there are two ways that could work (although i only have proof for one method working)

  1. the vampire takes a drink at the beginning of the game, it could be possible to constantly alert him throughout the run in order to delay him from doing so, and when he stops searching, he can take a drink as soon as we need him to

  2. this one has worked for me, although i'm not 100% sure on how it works. my theory is that if you break a glass in the kitchen JUST when the vampire starts to leave the bedroom, he'll spend MUCH less time in the kitchen, and will very quickly return to take a drink

i just got a 4m 20s run, although i think a 4m 10s is 100% possible! it's been lots of fun running this game B)

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Connecticut, USA

i think you're right about the dentures, i have an unofficial 4:41 that i didn't bother uploading because the final door didn't appear i did what was done before without success. however great to see the time being lowered and new stuff coming about. I noticed around the 1:10-1:20 mark the vamp goes to take a drink i could see the bat visual through the kitchen wall when bringing the petal to the mortar, ive also had runs where i allow him to see me right before entering the kitchen, tossing the petal, losing him under some shelves, getting the blood first then going back to get onion and all them all in. haven't gotten a successful run with it but definitely something ive tried a handful of times

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