Asking about new Books/Levels
4 years ago
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Id like to ask again how it looks like with adding more books or at some books levels? I know Bullets said that there should be more moderators. Are there enough for now or do you still need more moderators?

Edit 1: If everyone has suggestions for Levels that should be added. Just write a comment on this post and i'll look into it.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
United States

Reach out once you've done individual level runs if you'd like them added. If you'd like to moderate for the board I'm more than happy to let someone more knowledgeable or with more time run it.

flipss likes this
Oregon, USA

Why is there an IL category in the full game section? Why is Book 2 gone? I realize it's quite long but that doesn't mean it's never gonna be ran. Also I did a run of all 3 books over like 3 days, took about 10 hours, so I'm wondering if I was to do that for real would breaks be allowed and how would that work?

flipss likes this
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Well i put the IL to the full game section for visibilitys sake and there arent much IL runs. If there ever be a lot of IL runs im gonna think about it again and probably put them to the IL segment but i'll let it stay how it is for now. And i removed Book 2 because in over one and a half years there was never a verified run in the category (porbably because no one submitted a run). If you have a Book 2 run I can get you the category back, but i didnt thought anyone would do a Book 2 run anytime soon.

To your second question i'd like to answer with Bullets response to a similar question: ,,I would be fine with allowing an hour long break when you're at the menu screen but I'm open to whatever runners think is fair. I'd rather people be healthy with doing something like this and not strain their wrist/etc."

Imo im fine how he described it. Id say that in Book2 (and only Book 2(yet)) one pause upto one hour long is ok when you're at the menu screen. So im putting Book 2 up again if has an uploaded Book 2 run.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Imaproshaman likes this
United States

There will be one run for book 2 over thanksgiving assuming I complete one in 12 hrs or less

Imaproshaman and flipss like this

All of it has been added.

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