Any% Glitchless
1 year ago
Alberta, Canada

I mean, for the 6-ish minutes the results screen glitch saves over the course of a run I don't think a glitchless category is really necessary? Like glitchless categories are really only for games where the run is entirely different based on whether or not glitches are used.

Shlumptee, TryKuur, and stackman like this
Ohio, USA

Yeah that's kinda what I thought, I guess I was kinda thinking it as like once this glitch was found out, then what was the reason for playing normally?

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Devon, England
He/Him, She/Her
1 year ago

Well, if I was to run it, I wouldn't use the glitch as I find it takes a bit away from the game. Plus, a glitchless category would automatically ban any glitches that cause major skips to be done.

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Individual Levels runs are now NMG

Hello folks.

Since No Major Glitches is by far the more popular and enjoyed category for full-game runs, we thought we'd protect IL runners from having to contend with that side of the game if they don't wish to.

This is open to change if the interest is there, but for now, **individual level runs

2 months ago