Heh, um I know i've been gone for like a year but I just thought maybe we could get individual level runs as a category?
Honestly, not really, given the fact that there's not much you can do to optimize the stuff in the first place, plus the lack of competition already for the full game would probably mean even less competition for ILs, so, yeah, doesn't really seem highly necessary at this time.
Couldn't hurt tho right? If it's a bother, don't worry, I just wanted to do some individual level runs myself. I would add the category on my own if I could lol
same ;p But still ... i dont think there are enough tricks in the game to make it worth the time ...
To add the category? It takes like two minutes at most to add the category, and the levels take like 10 minutes to run each. Not a huge issue if you ask me
thats true, i mean i would run the levels and maybe new tricks will be found but still ... lets just hope one of the mods do it ;p
Hi everyone! A new any% category free of the perils of Tahu Skip is now up. The primary leaderboard is now Any% NTS. All any% runs without Tahu Skip should be submitted there, and any runs with Tahu Skip should be submitted as any%. Hopefully this will encourage new and old runners alike to run the