I decided to make a Google Spreadsheet for categories that are not on this site. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VB43365LQiPfFaPNg4VhLfDG0Y-D1J58qmiaiKOwrFI/edit?usp=sharing If anyone wants to help me fill in all the missing stuff you can let me know so i can give you permission to edit the document.
My any% record is 41:53, btw.
Why did you add TT though? Do we really need a separate ranking for that?
Great to see the other categories there, EPIC cvaughn55!!
I will beat my 100% PB of 5:46:26 next week so hopefully I can beat Jackster's time! It would be great to see these categories added to the misc categories on here!
I have recently updated and improved these Google Doc leaderboards!! I will use this thread as one of the ways to submit times!
There are tabs at the bottom for each of the full leaderboards!!
If anyone has any times they would like added, then please let me know via a twitch PM @www.twitch.tv/eskimojoe365 or leave a message on this thread!!
I would love some of these categories to be added to this site but for now, this will do!!
Hello everyone! Recently a poll was sent out in the MKDD Discord about whether to switch to the in-game timer for Grand Prix speedruns. If you're confused as to why, you can watch these videos for more information: