Dates' Moving Two Crates Has Been Solved
7 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

Its FPS. On Scouting The Port, Dates was able to move both blue crates at the same time. Me and Toriks had limited success doing so. Turns out if you limit your fps it will move easily without any form of resistance. 10-15 makes it extremely easy.

Are we going to make a rule to prevent people limiting their fps? Personally I think this will cause issues and it seems unnecessary. There doesn't seem to be any barrier from people using RivaTuner mid run to limit their FPS if they believe it will help.

I will probably run tommorrow with this strat.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

yea he said that long time ago, atleast i knew about fps affecting it. I am against limiting fps or doing anything with fps during mid run. If you want to limit then do it before the run, i think thats the case with other games too.

I don't think it's necessary to adopt a rule on FPS. But could it have an impact on the consoles ?

Edited by the author 7 years ago
South Holland, Netherlands

seems abit cheap to use a third party software to limit fps mid run just to do a strat, so i am against limiting fps mid run

Zachoholic and ToriksLV like this
United States

Nearly every streamer lowers their FPS to some degree using streaming software due to the hit it takes on the CPU. FPS limiters should be allowed. We allow it in IV for this very reason. What's stopping someone from preparing an extremely high quality recording, toggled on and off by a hotkey, to drop their FPS down to around 15-30 for the time being? If you allow people to stream/record their runs, you should allow this as well, as it pretty much serves the same purpose/produces the same effect.

This reasoning has nothing to do with the old, "You can't detect they're using it (memory monitoring software is a good example), so it shouldn't be banned" excuse, which I don't agree with. If I want to record my 'Scouting the Port' crate section with settings which I know will drop my FPS to ~15, am I not allowed to?

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Derpeth likes this

Nah, if mats wants to play in 15 fps he can but start from the beginning of the run not mid run and then back to normal fps. We use FPS limiter already, my point is dont change cap mid run.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Zachoholic likes this
California, USA

I agree with Toriks.

New South Wales, Australia
  • You can change your FPS naturally throughout the run.
  • You can open or modify programs to reduce your FPS (How could we stop you).
  • You can increase your FPS to gain an advantage over other runners.
  • We use FPS limiters to limit our FPS.
  • You can use this strategy as long as your FPS is naturally low enough.

It almost seems like the only thing people can't do is specifically what I use for this strategy. Its achievable without an FPS limiter. Are you saying no one can ever intentionally alter their fps mid run or just that no one can change their FPS limiter mid run? What difference does it make if you change its value for 2 minutes in a run?

Why not just ban the strat entirely? Why leave endless loopholes for it. Either allow the strat or ban it.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

I want to do it because its faster. I don't want to do it because its tedious.

Lets just vote on it. I will leave this open for like a week and I won't do the strat until its decided. Type '1' to add to the rules 'If you use an FPS limiter, you are not allowed to alter it mid-run'. Type '2' to ban the strategy entirely (the wording will be worked out later). Type '3' to allow the strategy (adding nothing further to the rules.

If you have further suggestions write those as well.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

I'm pretty undecided about that, but... 3

Is this manipulation only possible on PC ?

California, USA


Altering FPS mid-run is beyond silly. If you're going to do it at all then do it before the run starts.

LOLMAN, FPS on console is locked at 30.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Enough with votes where people who dont really understand or run keep voting and then i have to run with dumb rules. If you can change smth in menu that dramatically decreases fps then fine. But not using external tools to gain advantage.

New South Wales, Australia

"I should decide all the rules" - Toriks 2017 ¤Liked by Zachoholic¤

You are already using an FPS limiter to smooth out the FPS in a way that is not possible in the game. You are literally using an external tool to gain an advantage while complaining about using the exact same external tool to gain an advantage. It is literal hypocrisy.

When every person running on PC can do this, who is gaining an advantage over someone else? The console runs are already not competitive due to loading and FPS. If this matters we have a lot more rules to make to level the playing field.

I don't want people to have advantages over other people - Toriks 2017. We should never enforce an FPS limit to reduce hardware advantages - Also Toriks 2017. People who have the pre-order bonus should be allowed to use it, even if it gives them an advantage - Also Toriks 2017.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
LOLMAN-0027 likes this
New South Wales, Australia

.....which is why I suggested either banning the strat or doing nothing at all.

Ryedawg, have you ever wondered if people agree with me not simply because of who I am but due to what I say or because they hold the view independent of my position? 🤔 Your statement is even more amusing considering you yourself agree with me on this issue, are you a closeted nut hugger Rye? Get off my balls mate.

If Rye's fantasy world were true, I could just vote and give myself all the world records or to implement rules only to benefit myself. As my history has shown, I have argued against such things.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Viper you are the one who trys to change all rules and added ifruit etc. and yet blame me LUL. Not everything can be added just because some of your viewers wants to see you doing it. Most of them dont run the game or wont ever run.

caught using limiter??? Viper does it too and i set it to 140 because on lowest settings it goes to 180 and i want more stable framerate. Thats not banned and is fine by me. Allow or ban i dont care as long its not being changed mid run.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

"change all rules" There was no rule about ifruit. There is no rule about moving both the crates or fps limiters. What rule did I advocate to change? In this case I believe changing no rules and adding no rules would mean I can do the strategy.

'added ifruit' Ifruit wasn't banned. The only commentary on it was from Gael and Zoton who both said I could use it for the same reason the Tingle Turner was used in Wind Waker. I could have simply said nothing and used it by the logic you have expressed here and you seem to believe this would have been better. I instead sought to finalize whether it should be banned. I find this rebuke amusing as you seem to be saying I should just permanently keep everyone in the dark and no rules should ever be finalized.

"blame me" Blaming you? What the hell am I blaming you for?

"caught using limiter" Who said you were caught? Your argument against using the limiter in this case was 'advantage'. Yet you are using it already to give you an advantage. You have also directly argued against rules that would limit your advantage over others. This is known as 'hypocrisy'.

Toriks. If there is no explicit or implicit rule against something it is allowed. There is no rule regarding fps limiters that is why we use them. Ifruit wasn't banned, and still isn't. This strategy isn't banned. Changing the fps limiter mid-run isn't banned. You are saying we should create a rule to ban it. You however seemingly offer no justification for this position other than "I don't want it cause I don't". At least that is all that you are left as your defense of 'advantage' clearly makes no sense as outlined earlier.

"Allow or ban i dont care as long its not being changed mid run." Do you ever actually read what you type? Saying "I don't care" and then directly saying you will accept nothing short of a ban on limiter changes mid-run (how the hell is this enforcable?) is caring ffs.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

Ryedawg, if you and your friends are just going to shitpost your posts will be deleted. I don't care if you are drunk or high with your friends and think its funny. I am quite ill and in no mood.

The Ifruit matter was resolved 4 moinths ago. It has absolutely nothing to do with the overall topic of this thread.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

I've always disliked runs where you have to run third party tools, change framerates there, change settings multiple times midrund etc. just to have certain strats work or w/e. While it adds something new to the run, it also confuses the viewer even more. Good speedruns and strats can be understood by people who played the game and just watch the run. Bad speedruns have lots of tutorials you need to read first before even understanding whats going on. I'd say either ban the strat, or don't allow changing your fps cap midrun.


Speedruns aren't about viewer experience, it's about going fast.

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