Bug For SpeedRun
5 years ago

I found bug which give a doublejump When you jump you need spam Right Mouse Button It works only when you have a target

Edited by the author 4 years ago
København, Denmark

Didn't seem to work for me, what is your settings exactly (like the target settings) and what platform & how fast u click RMB?

Edit: Nevermind made it work

Edited by the author 5 years ago
surprisemafaqua likes this

This glitch is amazing, very nice find!!! Has a lot of use everywhere

Edited by the author 5 years ago
surprisemafaqua likes this

but you need a enemy in your sight

Massachusetts, USA

I am loving with this glitch

surprisemafaqua likes this

i understood how to use glitch. You need press space and take a good timing when you need press right mouse button

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Nice find! Need to test this on controller!

surprisemafaqua likes this

Im so happy right now. ShadedTrigger - use this bug THX MATE

New York, USA

Can Confirm it works on controller. Just need to time it on the last or second to last frame of the jump and hit the LB/L1 Button - or which ever your Block/parry button is.

surprisemafaqua likes this
Ontario, Canada

Thanks so much for finding this glitch, helped me throughout my run a lot!

surprisemafaqua likes this
New York, USA

that glitch saves so much time, didnt realize how much time was wasted trying to run around Dathomir. Great Run ShadedTrigger!

surprisemafaqua likes this
Ontario, Canada

Thanks, appreciate it

surprisemafaqua likes this

im so happy guys!!! when i saw 4 new speedruns in 1 day i get shocked

sorry for deleted videos, here's reuploaded

JaydenOwem and Pnash like this