IL level leaderboards?
5 years ago

It might be good to have leaderboards for each individual dungeon. The question is whether to allow all shapeshifts or just the ones you'd unlock up to that point.

New Jersey, USA

I thought about adding IL leaderboards, but I wasn't sure how that would be run. For allowing shapeshifts, I could include a NG/NG+ category, but I'm still not sure how runs should be handled. Because for the NG run, you would still have collect the necessary shapeshifts to do the levels, and since it's such a short game anyway, I figured you might as well do the full game at that point. And if you do NG+, you'd probably already have all the shapeshifts and items anyway, so there wouldn't be anything to really do. Even if you didn't collect all the items, you might have still collected some of them, so I can't think of what a genuine IL run would look like. There needs to be a specific goal in mind, and I just can't see one with ILs. That's just my opinion, but I'm open to suggestions.

Edited by the author 5 years ago

Ok, fair enough. I just thought it might be nice to see how fast people went through individual dungeons. But your right, the game is pretty short so it might not make sense.

Yeah this would have to be more of a standalone minigame mode, like it starts you in a specific world with all shapeshifts and you see how quickly you can collect all items. Probably outside the scope of what I'm willing to do, hahaha...