Pause Glitches
3 years ago
United States

New Glitches have been found using the pause feature to mess with the physics of the game. As of now the only levels with viable strats are those with planks that go up/down to throw you into the air. But I'm pretty sure more can be found, I thought these might be possible because I got a pause glitch on one of the Level 51 spinners about a month ago just on accident and even though it didn't send me towards the end it proved it can be done on more objects successfully. Try out the new category if you want, but it won't get in the way of the old glitchless leaderboards.

Chrisjahim and VoidIV like this
United Kingdom

The fact that it can be done on other objects is promising. I had an idea that gets an upwards boost right at the start of L54, and if you could get a pause glitch similar to the plank ones, it could be a viable strategy. I will try to test this out later!

United States

After test the ones with the planks, they are waay easier, you just have to be touching them and pause to get it. On level 51 when I was testing that one it seemed frame perfect and also extremely position based. I hope you get it but they won't be as easy to find I think.

Rhône-Alpes, France

We would also like to hear your opinion on adding a glitch category to arena runs. And if we stay on one category, do we allow the pause glitch or not ?

United Kingdom

Not too sure how I feel about Arena runs. Only A6, A7 and A8 would be greatly affected so far. Maybe as a precaution we could split it in case any other ideas work. I think A1 is the only one which is definitely immune to these pause glitches, however it's possible that we discover a way to break the other 8 arenas.

I have been testing a few ideas I had. The L54 sweeper at the start of the stage can be used to pause glitch, I have only managed it on the ground, which isn't useful to my knowledge, but I'm hopeful that we can maybe do it in the air. L12 is another level where I have an idea of a possible pause glitch which could beat 10.13 and maybe even be able to get under 9 seconds. I cannot get the correct angle, and because of the set up, it is a much harder plank glitch to achieve, let alone align yourself to get the angle. I am hopeful that at least L12 is not fruitless, but I will continue to work on any levels I see a possibility for a pause glitch on!

Paraná, Brazil

I'm fine with dividing the categories and I wonder if you can glitch on other objects such as moving balls, for example.

United States

I think I just got video proof of a pause glitch on a non-plank object. Will post it here once it's done uploading. (Shouldn't be too much longer.)

But basically I got stuck between a floor and a moving platform and paused on the frame when the moving platform hit me and it gave me a bit of extra momentum, it wasn't like a lot to where it was useful in that situation but I think as a proof of concept maybe it could be used somewhere else in the game.

Like at first I thought it was just how the moving platform hit me that gave me the extra momentum but I couldn't get the momentum without pausing even after a lot of attempts and I was able to get it multiple times while pausing so I think it was a pause glitch.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

VoidIV likes this
United Kingdom

It is very interesting to see this occur with a relatively slow moving object. No matter what object I tried, it seemingly had to be a plank or quickly moving. I wonder if L34 can be exploited via a pause glitch on the green objects near the start.

I've been looking into potential plank glitches on vertical planks. Since the planks start vertically, we can get boosted horizontally using a frame perfect pause glitch. L12, L15, L19, L32 and L50 could all benefit from this (plus possibly some more?). I have only manage to get a close to useful boost on 12 and 15 however, and the other 3 I have not done much testing for. I will continue to test these and hopefully at least make one of these 5 trickier pause glitches work! L54 is also an idea so far, I still have been unable to get any boost in the air, so it's either impossible or monumentally hard (I think the latter).

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

19 definitely can I got the launch a few times too. Hopefully I'll manage to hit it into the actual end at some point.

My strat was jump around the big wall, land in the middle plat with the second checkpoint, go forward a tiny bit for speed, turn around and then do the horizontal pause glitch on the plank to try and hit the goal, extremely difficult but definitely possible.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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