EE SpeedRun Route thoughts
8 years ago
Kentucky, USA

Does your friend have a solo guide as well? If so, I would love to see that!

Washington, USA

No. I made this route, my friend just read it and estimated the time. But I can work on a solo route if you want. Should be less difficult than this.

SIDE NOTE: I have a really good team, but they are NOT speed runners. OR they ply on the playstation 4. I am an Xbox One player and I'm lookin for a team to run this strat with. I can do Electric Bow very fast. So I think I'd take that. If you want to prac the run with me and stream it with me when we get it down right let me know. Also I don't wnt to sound mean, but if your not good enough I will just tell you. I need a group that can handle this.

Kentucky, USA

I would like to try the EE speedrun on DE. I'm not much on Easter egg speedruns but I normally go for high round speedruns (30, 50, etc.) so I can learn the Easter egg steps pretty quickly. Also I have Xbox One if you needed a partner.

Washington, USA

that sounds awesome. You and anyone else interested just add me. Gt is Champion0fLight (The "0" in "0f" is a zero)

Washington, USA

This Post is no good now, to many things have changed since, My updated one is here.