Individual Episode categories?
7 years ago
Moray, Scotland
Super moderatorTreya
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

I've noticed single episode run recordings popping up, particularly by CapnClever. Should there be a new category for them?

Also I wouldn't say no to individual episode categories for JJ2 either. Except for the TSF episode itself (since that is its own game).

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Västra Götaland, Sweden

Sure, it's possible to add individual levels on Or perhaps we should add them as misc categories considering an episode technically isn't an individual level.


Glad to see some action for this game. :-)

Vortale hasn't speedrun JJ recently at all. CapnClever maintains splits for single episodes, but not single levels.

I haven't felt like running anything less than the full game yet. I have practised single levels, but never timed episodes. Probably because 6-episode has well-established rules already, and it doesn't feel pieced-together.

-- Simon

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