Weapon Bug Glitch
3 months ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Hey all!

Linking Rial's recent run which explains a new weapon bug that apparently shifts the properties of the weapons to some sort of table and pulls a different name and status versus what is equipped. Just wanted to put this out here for documentation's sake and start to analyze it and see what we can come up with.

D_Winds likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

ROYAL EDITION Ver.1.30 / PS5 (SSD) Conversation event with Wiz 12:24 Entering Insomnia 31:37 Gate 38:05 Throne Room 43:10 End of the first battle with Ardyn 49:12

■ Active menu    • FF15 Active Menu Chocobo Return Dialogue Part 2 (Acti...  

■ Battle with Smoke Eye (Deadeye)If you do not progress in the main quest until you receive the magic bottle from Dave, you will not be able to move with the left joystick after entering the battle area, and this state will not be lifted even after the battle is over. You can lift this by saving and loading, but you will need to go out into the field once, and this is done by using the property that "holding the camera in first-person perspective changes Noctis's direction". I used Philn's broadcast archive as reference for this. https://www.youtube.com/live/hu_eicAM...

■ Forced Equipment BugYou can trigger the forced equipment bug by entering an overnight stay or an event scene where the lights go out with the equipment screen open, reorganizing your weapon list and changing the order while the event progresses, and then ending the event with the equipment screen open. It is used as follows. When entering the battle with Ahriman: After reorganizing your weapon list with the Hammerhead, you have purchased four two-handed swords, so the weapons below the two-handed swords will shift up by four. Airstep Sword (No change) Dagger Gáe Bolg ~ Javelin ~ Mutant Rakshasa Blade ~ Daggers ~ Gae Bolg ~ Javelin ~ Mutant Rakshasa Blade ~ Pain of the Vortex Cocytus ~ Handgun3 ~ Handgun2 ~ Handgun1 ~ Plumes of the Vortex During the event in the Throne Room: Since you sold three Two-Handed Swords at the King's Sword base, the weapons below the Two-Handed Sword will shift down by three. Air Step Sword (No change) Masamune ~ Genji Blade ~ Garuda's Pain ~ Vortex Pane ~ Mage Mashers ~ Spelldaggers ~ Garuda's Plumes ~ Plumes of the Vortex Vortex Cocytus ~ Lion Heart ~ Garuda's Abandon ~ Abandon of the Vortex In this state, the attack power and status correction of the misaligned weapon are referenced. However, it seems that special effects such as the halved MP consumption in the air of the Vortex equipment are not reflected. Also, normally, if you change equipment (including accessories and costumes) while referencing an illegal weapon in the forced equipment bug state, the weapon list will be broken and you will not be able to change weapons other than the Phantom Sword, magic, and ring. However, if you save and load without confirming your equipment in the forced equipment bug state, it seems that the weapon list will not be broken from then on. By the way, during the battle with Ahriman, General Kol takes away the Engine Blade and Avenger, so they disappear from the weapon list, and when you load, you obtain Kotetsu and Kikuichimonji (why???). Please take a look at the incredible power of the dagger-shaped Vortex Pane. 37:40

D_Winds likes this
Minnesota, USA

what in the god damn fuck lmao.

Pennsylvania, USA

Honestly it makes sense per how the game already doesn't like having changes made in menu while it's in a cutscene. I've been doing testing and streaming it. Hoping to get a few runs done in an Any% setting and then will proceed with written notes and video tutorial.

Minnesota, USA

please and thanks lmao.