New Categories
4 years ago

Final Lap Twin currently only has one category: Quest Mode English. Here is where you suggest new categories.

Quest Mode Japanese

The Japanese version, and players who can’t understand English, are at a clear disadvantage. There is more text- two boxes for each encounter in English, three for Japanese. Japanese is more common and cheaper. It’s easy to forget, as a speed runner, that language barriers still exist.

F1 Grand Prix

The F1 Grand Prix is a 16-heat-long racing tournament that you need to win to get the game’s other ending. Despite being the first option in the menu (and shorter than Quest Mode) it’s less popular. It’s also separate from the F-3000 and doesn’t need to be unlocked.

I have finished a Two Towns run of World Court Tennis. I would like there to be one in Final Lap Twin- and the second town can be any one other than Etroit (Lanta is recommended).

Two Towns run on Final Lap Twin Complete! Can it be a category please?


Greetings, The JP version of the game can be selected to submit a run for Quest Mode. If there is at least two runners willing to submit a time for that, I'll gladly make an additional category.

F1 Grand Prix should be added, absolutely. Would love to see someone do a proper run of this.

Two Towns (for a shorter, misc. category) may be an idea, but I'd like to see if there would be anyone else interested in submitting a run for this.

two towns doesnt make sense to me as a category because it would just be running straight to the second town and take about 5 minutes, it would also be mostly luck based.

Wrong- this is what Two Towns is: finishing the ENTIRE GAME only having two towns to teleport to.

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