Someone is either cheating or there's something weird going on with loading times.
6 years ago
Rhode Island, USA

I just was playing mushroom cup no skips no items on wii. i am running it through CTGP, but with CTGP disabled. no custom tracks, no custom music, textures. vanilla mkw basically. this is what WR's are ideally set on in time trial mode nowadays.

I don't think the guy Menozen is playing on Wii. Either that or a usb loader, not disc. however, he claims he's playing on a wii with a disc.

His 3lap times are all about 1.7 to 4 seconds slower than mine yet his entire run is only 2 seconds slower when it should be more. His loading screens seem much faster. His LC alone loads 3 seconds faster, although his IGT is at least 10 seconds slower.

so what's going on?

note: if this thread is somehow against forum rules, sorry. is there another thread i could post it in or someone i could contact instead of this does so indeed break the rules?

Michigan, USA

Tough to say. I've noticed that my current console has extremely slow loading times in comparison to others, while if you watch some of Insane's videos he gets pretty similar loading times to Menozen, and I definitely feel comfortable trusting Insane considering I've watched his stream a few times and he doesn't even use a cap card. If I may ask what exact console are you playing on? Because my black wii has ridiculously slow loading times. In comparison to my old wii, I'm losing 7 seconds to loading time just in a cup run.

Minnesota, USA

I don't think anyone has ever bothered to look into it, but I feel different model Wiis may have different loading times. Ex: Original vs. newer black wii

Rhode Island, USA

White wii from before 2007

Saving 10 seconds though in a 4 track run? Why wouldnt they just call it the new wii? like the new 3ds. thatd make them money



Texas, USA

The page either glitches out or I can't tell what you're saying. I'd like to add that you could've also copied one blank space instead of making what I originally thought was a giant keyboard spam.

Tyne and Wear, England

Interesting, I knew for sure that the load times were a lot different with CTGP enabled but i'm not entirely sure if it's different through CTGP but without it enabled. My last run was played on the vanilla game rather than through CTGP which I do for everything else so I might have found that there was a difference in loading times through that anyway.

TL;DR - I think there could still be some loading differences even without CTs enabled on ctgp.

Tyne and Wear, England

I watched Menozen's run and it makes no sense that he can get a 1:32 on luigi circuit with a 1:17, I had a 1:16 and got 1:33.6 in my run and i'm playing on vanilla game on Wii U which should theoretically have the fastest loading times, I think Menozen could be using some kind of USB loader for these reasons.

Rhodechill likes this
Texas, USA

If he gets one lucky load and claims to be on Wii U, fine, but if he claims to be on Wii or consistently gets loads too good to be true, something should probably be done about it starting with at least questioning again.

Rhodechill and maxaura like this
Rhode Island, USA

So we need to find out how much time is saved for the following:

-CTGP with CT's enabled with my stuff enabled -CTGP with CT's enabled with my stuff disabled -CTGP with CT's disabled with my stuff disabled -CTGP with CT's disabled with my stuff enabled -Vanilla MKW

Then all of the above on Wii U vs Wii.

So we'd need -ten- tests just for the consoles I believe :'(

Now, is this as simple as saying "CTGP saves x seconds per track", making conversions possible? Or would an individual test be necessary for EVERY category with a unique number of tracks? God I hope conversions are possible. (Otherwise we'd need -thirty- tests, not ten.) That, or it's REALLY time for the IGT switch.

And yea, Menozen is fishy af.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Texas, USA

One test for each is impossible to prove how much all of those save or lose. There would need to be 3-5 tests performed for each thing to know which averages the best and worst loads. If you really don't want to do 50 or so tests, just test how things work on Wii because Wii U always loads better so if CTGP boosts loads on Wii, it likely will on Wii U even it's just by a little bit.

Rhode Island, USA

3-5 tests? My console/disc is always consistent. For example, it's ALWAYS 7.6 seconds before the first "A" input can be registered on luigi circuit to skip the lil cuctscene. never off.

anyway, if what you say is true, that's a significantly stronger reason to just use IGT. (even that rounds off incirrectly, too, lol, but it's still the best option we got by far probably)

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Texas, USA

No, it's not always consistent. Maybe one load works better than others but no disc game loads consistently so that is why multiple tests need to be done to average out the load times.

Rhode Island, USA

how much does wii u save on mushroom cup speedrun only? the guy wants to know

but no disc game loads consistently

Why does mine though, then?

Guys... see my post from oct 11. something needs to be done.

Texas, USA

One load apparently always loads consistently at the very start but it is a known fact basically every disc game cannot have all it's loads emulated consistently at all. Unless you're actually on emu or ISO, then I don't see how every load is consistent for you.