1 month ago

Hello everyone, it's finally here!

Cutscene skip and fast doors has officially released!!!!!

you can obtain it from here;

To get splits working please download the updated Autosplitters from Resources and rename the Supreme doorskip exe to this "bio2 1.10 - Supreme Skip" without ""

Edit Alternatively the Autosplitters built into Livesplit will be fully functional very soon thanks to Deserteagle417 updating them**

if anyone encounters any bugs or crashes please post your findings in this thread so they're easy to find and pass on to the creator!

The category for this has already been created for the Main scenarios and we cannot wait to see how far this version can be pushed! you can find the category on the main PC leader board

A few things to note

You can skip almost every single tiny cutscene, for example falling through the floor in the library and the switch to move the bookcases so spam that action button to skip!

Claire A has received a quality of life update, now when Sherry sits down you can proceed to the next room without going back for her!

This mod is incredible and all credits go to Resevilnemesis30, he has exceeded our expectations so please if you see him around on Twitch or anywhere PLEASE show him the love he deserves!

Happy Running!

Edited by the author 1 month ago
giaNco, R2D2 and 5 others like this
United Kingdom

It took a while, but the dream is now the reality. Good luck to all runners, this will be great for all involved. Going to smash this tomorrow!

United States

Just pushed an update to the autosplitter built into LiveSplit. Make sure to name your exe as Steven says above "bio2 1.10 - Supreme Skip" without the " " and it should work fine

StevenMayte likes this

for claire A

there is a bug with g4 cut scene if you skipped it its not gonna work

and for the g mutanto

if u skipped the cut scene it little bugs is gonna be behiend you already stucking on ur body

Edited by the author 1 month ago
Delaware, USA

This is so fun! Having a blast already!

2KLS1 likes this

Question I've been asked already, are we allowing quickturn on this as it isn't forced by Speedrun patch.

Georgia, USA

killer job guys

2KLS1 likes this
Deleted by the author
Tocantins, Brazil

Get a strategy for G4 please xD

Edited by the author 1 month ago

G Embryo has been fixed and it's now possible to skip Katherine's scream (the small cutscene at the crashed helicopter)

Download the new version below


Skip RPD PC dont work, teleport to RPD Entrance


Another new patch which includes bug fixes for Leon B and changes to extra mode "SOURCE NECKS"


Have a look at this strat for G4 guys. Its consistant in the fact it keeps you safe but he can jump backwards and make you lose time. Definitely the best idea I have for this fight as it is.

2KLS1 and StevenMayte like this

A new patch has released for the mod and we believe this to be the final patch unless anything major pops up and needs tweaking

Heres what's new on the latest version

Ben skips' timing improved. Leon faces the manhole opener.
Leon faces the club key.
When Leon wakes up, he's slightly turned towards the door.
Annette won't speak in the lab if you keep the run button pressed, which makes you pick up the G-Virus faster.
After Ada's death A, Leon faces the door.

Fixed a glitch in Claires scenarios when she arrives to the marshalling yard.
Fixed a glitch for the bonus mode which made it load Biorand files if present in your RE2 folder.```
im4rcuss, DeepStackDave and 2 others like this
United States

Not sure if this is related to the mod, but just in case. Just experienced an issue with 1.7 where cutscene between Claire and Sherry at the beginning of the lab refused to skip. In the same run, inserting the vaccine case into the 2nd machine in the lab did not work. The vaccine case disappeared from my inventory, but it did not create the final vaccine so I couldn't finish the game. Will install 1.8 and see if I have the same issue.

São Paulo, Brazil

i did experience the vaccine disappearing and i started to delay my skip on that specific cutscene. from now on i skip the cutscene when i see the vaccine being put on the machine, cant wait to find out its placebo but its been working so far.

for cutscenes that cant be skipped.. i only had that type of shit in g4 but only if i didnt insta skip. i guess if u don't insta skip some of them u just cant skip anymore.


Am I the only one having crashes here? It happened twice at the same place.

Edit: nvm, I forgot to skip that and it seems that causes problems in some places.

Edited by the author 1 month ago
2KLS1 likes this

Please can someone tell me how to have the gemini patch as the doorskip to run?


Extract all 3 folders that the "cutscene skip mod" includes into your game folder (maybe you should have a backup of the game somewhere else first), then open the new bio2.exe and pick "speedrun edition" mod from Rebirth mod selector.

FURYCrH and 2KLS1 like this

So sorry, im not to good with all this so i have the hd re 2 game downloaded, do i put the gimini patch in that folder first then the doorskip mod files?

2KLS1 likes this