How do you record videos of you speedrunning MK8D?
2 years ago

Idk how you record and get a timer going and all that.

TheRealFirey and gnrts like this
United States

Main options for recording are to point a camera at the screen, or to buy an HDMI capture card.

TheRealFirey, gnrts and 3 others like this

phone camera?

TheRealFirey and gnrts like this
New South Wales, Australia

Phone camera works fine

TheRealFirey, gnrts, and Pear like this

k but how do you time it?

TheRealFirey and gnrts like this
New South Wales, Australia

If you want a timer on the recording you'll need to use third party recording software such as OBS, but you don't need to have that - you can always retime afterwards, and the mods check the timing anyway.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
TheRealFirey, Wookis, and Pianist15 like this

I use OBS, a cheap capture card and Livesplit One (since Window sharing bugs on Ubuntu and I can't crop)

TheRealFirey and gnrts like this

I just hook up a cheap Mirabox capture card to OBS and stream off that

TheRealFirey and gnrts like this

you can always just point a phone camera at your TV screen. then to retime you can upload it to youtube and use this website to retime your run as accurately as you feel you need. it's quite easy to go frame by frame with it and you can just look at the video to know when to mark the beginning and the end. cheers and good luck!

TheRealFirey, gnrts and 2 others like this
Rochester, NY, USA

I use a Genki Shadowcast and a HDMI splitter. The Shadowcast Capture card has a little latency so it goes to my laptop to record while the splitter sends a copy of the Switch's output to my TV. Then I use OBS to record me playing with a timer. Hope this helps!

TheRealFirey and gnrts like this
South Carolina, USA

But what if the audio is bugged in your run?

I noticed something strange in Music Park

TheRealFirey and gnrts like this
New South Wales, Australia

Don't need audio for MK8DX runs

TheRealFirey, Pianist15, and gnrts like this
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

Im Not A Youtuber :|