Category name
9 years ago
Texas, USA

"All Colosseums Round 1" is so misleading. In order to beat Mysterial in Round 1, beating Gateway Colosseum is not required. In the route we don't beat Gateway because we don't have to so why would we. It really is just "Any%" or if you wanna be specific "Any% Round 1" but its not "All Colosseums". Obviously All Colosseums could become its own category, but in no way is it the Any% style runs on the leaderboards.

It'd be great if we could change the category name to Any% or Any% Round 1. Thank you!

Texas, USA

I did a run of this game like 3 years ago and from what the category was called I did a run of "All of the Colosseums" including Gateway which you don't do. Also there is another Colosseum you don't do called Lagoon Colosseum, so that could also be confusing. I didn't know this was an Any% category until Pokehero did his I agree that it should be changed to an Any% name so there will be less confusion and that it'll be correct. And even though not many people care about this game, there are some that do. So ye

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